Having trouble uninstalling bing bar


Apr 29, 2009
hello there i cant figure out how to uninstall bing bar. tried control panel right click uninstall but i get a error message that says the installer has insufficient privileges to modify this file C:\Program files(x86)\microsoft\bingbar\default cache.txt. so then i went to that folder and tried to delete the whole folder and it wont let me. i'm using vista premium the bing bar has been disabled in my web browsers. i want it off my computer with out having to do system restore. plus if i did system restore i cant choose like a month ago i dont have that option. thank you guys so much for your input. this is my computer also i have full administrator privileges

Have you tried removing it in Safe Mode?

i'm in safe mode right now and just tried to uninstall it and it gives me windows installer error message its says the windows installer service can not be accessed this can occur if the installer is not correctly installed contact your support personnel where do i go now? lol
I do not use the toolbar so not sure but it sounds like the uninstaller is messed up --you could try reinstalling the toolbar and then uninstalling it using the uninstaller (sometimes the reinstall will fix it up so that it can properly be uninstalled).

If that does not work you could probably use the command prompt and delete the file using DOS
Go to the start bar and type CMD -- this will bring up the command prompt window in the default C:\Users\yourUserAccountName\ folder -- using the CD (change directory) command navigate to the folder that contains the file to delete (ie. CD .. will bring you up a level and CD C:\ will bring you to the C:\root directory ) For your example you will want to type (Do not type the " " marks) "cd C:\Program files(x86)\microsoft\bingbar\" and hit enter -- then type "del *.*" and press enter (this will delete all files in that folder - so be sure you are in the correct location or it will delete all the files in the folder you are in (ie. del *.* on the C:\ folder will del all files on the C:\ drive !! so be sure not to do that !!)

After deleting all of the files move up a level ( "cd .." ) and delete the Bing folder ( From the C:\Program files(x86)\microsoft\ folder tpye "del bingbar" and press enter )

That should delete the files from your HDD