having trouble with my first build


Jan 11, 2016
ok, so I just started building my first build. I did outside the case build first to see if everything is working, I installed the RAM and the CPU with the heat sick. I connected the power supply to the oulet and connected the 24 pin cable to the mobo and connected the other power supply cable to the ATX_v12 slot and then I turned on the power supply and nothing happened. I tried to turn on the motherboard by touching the 2 CLR_CMOS pins with a screwdriver but nothing is happening. All of my parts are new. I noticed that my power supply came with 2 4 pin connectors for the ATX_12 slot so I just plugged in one of the 4 pin connectors to the 4 pin ATX_12v header and left the other one just hanging there. Maybe I have to get some kind of splitter so I could connect both into the header? Idk. what do you guys think? This is my build: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/RGfb7P
The only other pins I see are labeled SPDIF_O. would those be the power pin?


ok I got it to power on. you were right! I really appreciate your help!