HD 4600! what to expect?


Sep 19, 2014
So my strike x 600 watts died without even lasting for 1 year. So i had to sell my 270x so i could purchase a seasonic 620 watts.

I was thinking of saving and adding the excess money i had from the 270x to buy me a new GPU later on.

Now i have no choice but to use Mr. Intel HD 4600. the questions is.

What can i expect from this igpu @ 720p gaming.

do note that i only have a Corsair vengeance 8gb 1600 running at single channel.

games i play.

Dota 2
Dying Light
Team fortress 2
Planet side

and why can i only share 1gb to it it would not let me share 2gb.

thanks in advance.
yep the only maximum in my bios is 1024 mb. i use an msi h81m-p33.

well i tried dying light on 1024x768 all low except texture. i only get 20FPS but on you tube i can see pipz playing dying light at a good smooth FPS at 720p. i dont know what i am doing wrong

i also overclock it to run at 1250mhz. still nothing. hmmm maybe i should update my drivers?
HD 4600 is not meant to play heavy 3D games. It's made for general use and streaming videos. You are trying to make more out of it than it is. Remember, it uses system memory, DDR3 which is much slower than DDR5 used by graphics cards. You simply cannot play AAA titles with it at acceptable framerate and quality.
dota 2 and TF2 should not be an issue at all. dont know about the rest. quake live is another good online fps that has low system requirements. Its tricky to learn though, there is some high skill level in that game. I have been playing it a lot recently.

But that will learn you to not buy generic rubbish PSU's, but it should have at least 1 year warranty you could have returned it. I learnt my lesson the hard way too with cheap psu, it took out the motherboard when it exploded in a puff of smoke. 550w my ass it was more like 250w. That seasonic should last you a while now though, 5+ years depending on use and environment, heck you could get 8+ years out of it.

Yeah this, why wan't the PSU just returned under warranty?

any more than ~512mb video memory isn't needed, the igpu is too weak to use 1gb vram properly nevermind 2gb