HD 4770 vs. HD 4850


Jul 30, 2009
i know there have been many threads on this but my question wasn't answered.

i have a Acer 23" Widescreen. Does it matter which graphics card runs on it? Also, if 4850 is better at this resolution, then should i get the 512 mb or 1gb one?


I'm just playing mainly RTS (World in Conflict, Supreme Commander) w/ medium to high settings.

So i should go for 4850?
Yeah...this is my first build so i don't exactly know how it will look.

So what exactly do you mean? I can up my settings? or get a better graphics card...i'm kinda in the $100 range
was looking on Newegg and saw two Gigabyte 4850...both with zalman fans

one's 512 mb and the other is the OC'd 1gb
512mb has a $30 rebate which makes it more attractive even though i know i'll be able to play w/ better settings w/ the OC'd 1gb.

which one is better in a cost/performance ratio? again this is to play world in conflict/supreme commander on medium high settings on 1920 x 1080 resolution

If you plan on playing with that resolution in high settings then the 4850 is not up to the task. It is only good up to 1680x1050. Try looking for some 4870/gtx260 but it would costs you more than $100. Or you could still stick with 4850 without maximizing the graphic details.

Check out the latest article for best GPUs for the money. Best Graphics Cards For The Money: July '09 Check your resolution and see what GPU is fit for your needs.
World in Conflict definitely likes CPU power as well. I have noticed a huge improvement with my i7 over my C2Duo I previously used. A GTX 260 C216 is great for 1920x1200. I game at the resolution and it plays everything great at max except Crysis, of course.
When I built this rig I used a 4870 512 to game on my 1920x1080 monitor. It has performed beyond satisfactory even before OC, and I was pleasantly suprised by how wrong the naysayers were about required vram for my resolution.

Perhaps it is the 4870 itself that made up for the theoretical lack of ram, but either way, the hardline approach of "512 only good to 1680x1050" that so many self proclaimed experts take is silly.
You are right, No AA no AF on crysis/Facry 2/GTA4 ... but the way you "gurus" talk about 512 cards may give the impression to newbs that a 512 card won't work at all... which is just not true. Those games you mentioned require more than just 1GB of video ram to perform well, and the card alone will not make the difference. GTA4 actually ran really well on my PII x3 @1920x1080 once I overclocked it past 3ghz. The 4870x2 made a very small difference on GTA4, TBH. But I am sure you gurus knew that it was so CPU dependent, thats why you mentioned it in response to a video card issue.

My point still stands, making absolute statements about these sort of things is inaccurate and misleading. That sort of advice could end up reducing the playable value to someone on a budget who is not as much of a hobbyist or a self-proclaimed expert.
Who said that a 512mb cards won't work? Come on jofamang. No one should bash those cards. I also use 4850 512mb because AA/AF is not my hype as it doesn't make a difference in my tiny lcd. Max settings include AA/AF at max and if you want to play in that setting, then you might need some more as AA/AF hugs more vram in some games. And the OP asks about 4850, not your 4870 512mb.

"Even a 4850 1gig will struggle more then a 4870 512mb. "

Maybe you've misunderstood this line eh that's why your so furious? It is simply 4850 1gb < 4870 512mb. :)

Btw, I want a 4870 512 too but my tiny lcd won't allow me to do so. Someday, I'm gonna kick his butt out. 😛