HD 4830 details and launch date revealed.


Dec 15, 2004
Don't think this has been posted, since I have been pretty active lately and haven't seen anything about it, so here it goes:


ATI's performance numbers slide:


I'm not too big on the way ATI makes those charts to make it look like it's as twice as fast compared to the competition, but I am pretty sure that those numbers are real and that's the kind of performance you'd come to expect from such a card. I guess this card will lock one of the two price points left for ATI to secure (sub $150) and alienate the poor 8800GT/9800GT/GT 140 (Yup, just pick your favorite name :) ), Still waiting for ATI to release the HD 4850 X2 to finally put the GTX 280 out of it's misery.
that's MSRP, expect it to be priced at around the same as the 8800GT/9800GT/GT 140, since it's the direct competitor to it.
If it's priced in the 9800GT range, and provides better performance, while still giving all of the awesome HTPC functions, I think we might have a new winner for the frugal purchaser.

Are you sure about that?

AMD has prepared a slide on the Radeon HD 4830 performance vs the GeForce 9800 GT with 6 games benchmarks.


In another slide, it stated that the Radeon HD 4830 series delivers up to 1.6x the performance per watt of AMD’s previous generation GPUs. 6.73 GigaFLOPS per Watt vs 4.10 GigaFLOPS per Watt for the HD 3850.


From this info, it seems to be a GT killer, IMO.
Thanks for pointing that out outlw6669. :)
Sorry emp 🙁

It was the bit about 1.6 x the performance per watt and then the highest point on the chart being 1.6 that threw me :pt1cable:
Now if it had just said FPS up the side it would have helped

No problem.
I had to do a double take at the chart just to be sure myself.

I gotta say that their new lineup is a hellofalot better than I thought it was going to be.
If these claims pan out, nVidia has no segment left in which to peddle their wares.
Way to make a comeback ATI 😍

But... that's just the naming scheme. The HD 4830 is what was announced to be the HD 4750. 😗

Those numbers are fake. Take that scale, plug into existing benchmarks of 4870, using 9800gt/8800gt as constant, and that 4830 outperforms 4870. :na:
NVIDIA has had it too good for too long with their G92's! Granted, it really is a great core, but its time for ATI to be back for the crown of everything 😀. Before you know it we'll be reliving the FX5000 series all over again 😛

The way I see it, here are the matchups:

The HD4870 giving the 9800GTX+ and original GTX260 a beating.
The HD4850 giving awesome performance, and giving the 9800GTX and 8800GTS a beating.
The HD4670 is a serious contender with the 8800GS/9600GSO, and gives the 8600GTS a beating.
The HD4650 kills everything 8600GT/9500GT and below....

But what is missing is the killer of the popular 9600GT and 8800GT cards... I believe the HD4830 will do just that :)

lol @ that graph outlw, gotta love marketing graphs. After giving the seemingly bogus graph a second look.... I get it hehe.

There is a major flaw with all of your comparisons:
4870 also cost more than 9800gtx+ and gtx260
4850 also cost more than 9800gtx and 8800gts
4670 also cost more than 8800gs/9600gso, and in this case, also perform slightly lower

Nvidia responds to everything ATI throws at it with a price drop. I just hope ATI would break out some more firepower so Nvidia can break the piggy bank. Good for us consumers. :na:

We don't want a 4830 weakling. Give us the 5870x2. 😀
As nVidia prices drop, just like AMDs cpus, done on a larger node, their profits plummet, whereas ATI has room to lower their prices if needed at thier lower process. All but the + card, everything is on 65nm, and even at 55nm, the dies from nVidia are still alot larger than ATIs. nVidia is doing what they can to hold marketshare, but its not working, and all the while theyre losing money, or projected monies for sure, in the interim, the 4xxx series mobile will be released before years end, taking care of that market, and theres nothing nVidia can do about most of this until may-june of next year. Atop of all that, they still have to slug off all their 65nm parts as they transition to 55

Bah! Screw Nvidia. I don't care about their profits. So long as we get our good deals. How long do you think it will take for 9800gx2 to drop below $200? 😀

Cheapest 9800GTX: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814500037 $143 + $9 Shipping
Cheapest 8800GTS: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814500004 $140 + $9 shipping
Cheapest HD4850: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102770 $140 Free Shipping....

Cheapest HD4870: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121276 $240 + $9 Shipping
Cheapest GTX260: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814133229 $220 Free shipping.

Just because one card is *slightly* more expensive then another doesn't mean that it can't compete. It's the same price segment that people look for.

The HD5870x2 sounds awesome tho... has a sweet ring to it 😛. Any1 know when it's supposed to hit? Not that I'd upgrade to it though... I'll probably be waiting until something like an HD 8870 1GB GDDR7 with core clocks at 1800Mhz and mem clocks at 1000Mhz which will be equivalent to something like 6000Mhz GDDR3 😀

Why would you wait for something like that? It's meant to compete with the 8800gt, which is already $110. 8800gt is here now, not to mention lots of choices either slightly up or down.

And how exactly do you know that, without independently confirmed benchmarks? According to Nvidia, 9800gtx+ outperforms 4870, which is later confirmed to be false. Fanboys on either sides will trust the object of their worship. Intelligent people know they're both greedy corporations that try to make their product look good. They'd be idiots otherwise.

Also, again, by using 8800gt/9800gt as constant, and plugging in 4870's results from third party benchmarks into the new 4830 results while maintaining constant ratio, the 4830 outperforms 4870. It's fake. :sarcastic:
well all this competition is got my head in a spin, uv got to love ATI instead of paying 600 £ not $ for the high end we,r paying £340 tops, and instead of nvidia giving something old a new name they will have to go back to the drawing board and start to innovate again