HD 4830 details and launch date revealed.

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and as the BT advert said "its good to talk" and i can feel enfusiastic about ATI again instead of having to bite my lip like i have for the past 3 years...
goooo ATI, they've put the mighty morphin back in the power rangers

and after that statement you wouldn't believe im 40 at least im a child at heart
I'd say it's cause we have competition. nVidia should do that in 2 more gens according to what i've read on their roadmap and ATI will go back to the drawing table.

No need to bash nVidia, cause ATI is the same hog, lurking our pockets, but in a different way, lol.

The main differance i see is that ATI fell out of the loop through the now well publisised DX debacle, while Nvidia has fallen behind by being smug and sitting on thier laurels with basically the same chip for a while now.
ATI look to be constantly trying to improve/evolve and stay ahead of the curve. On the otherhand Nvidia dont seem able to just pull the next gen card out off the hat, which you would have thought given the amount of uncontested time they had as market leader would be waiting in the wings ?

Well, heres one thing for sure, with DX11 coming sometime next year, a few more DX10.1 games going to show up, and nVidia is stuck producing DX10 only at least until May, the who needs DX10.1 argument is coming to an end. At some point, it will become a factor, and if nVidias cards dont get it soon, all these "older" ATI cards will soooo obsolete any older nVidia cards, it wont even be funny. For when the next gen arrives, and both nVidia and ATI have DX11, and we see the effects from DX10.1 applied in games which result in higher fps, and the old nVidias dont have it, I hope theyll have sold all their old stock, otherwise ATI will rule even moreso with their old cards, and will clear their stocks much faster. Thats something nVidia has to keep an eye on as well
Yea thats true JDJ but i think the whole thing is just going to slip by without too much of a problem for Nvidia. While at some point it will mean as you say that ATI cards that fell below a 8800 series card will be the better alternative, i think this will only matter to what will then be the lower end of mainstream cards. People who are finally getting rid of the old reliable 1950 cards. Price point will play a part and as things get towards obselesance they tend to get more expensive for a while. People with the older ATI cards would see a boost in the FPS while the Nvidia cards wont. Will this be enough to keep those older ATI's viable and will it really hurt the Nvidia owners ? I dont know and a lot of it will depend on future game engines etc.
One thing i do know is that by the time the dev's have gotten it together and there are enough good games out to make it worth upgrading the 4850 will probably be the lower end of things if not the gen after it :lol:

Thats true enough. Im basically talking marketing tho. If nVidia doesnt come in with a killer solution next gen, and ATI is still running strong, all the average Joes who are casual gamers will be told this and buy them up, as opposed to something much older and out of line with the current. Its not a major issue, and sorry if anyones thought it was, but its just another crack in nVidias armor. All these things will add up
I don't see how this chart is conclusive proof, because for one it's from the AMD marketing team, hardly an unbiased benchmark is it? Secondly it's only a small selection of games, seriously wait for some proper benchmark sites.
I agree that its been shown in best light by ATI. But look at the orevious ones from them. It showed the 4850 beating the 8800GT. The rest is history. Theres no doubt this card will beat a GT. Hopefully itll be priced right as well

True as it may be, they did show the gap to be larger than it actually was. ATI and Nvidia both present their cards as more powerful than it is. They'd be idiots otherwise.

Repeating for a third time:
By using 8800gt/9800gt as constant, and plugging in 4870's results from third party benchmarks into the new 4830 results while maintaining constant ratio, the 4830 outperforms 4870. It's fake.

That certainly doesn't mean 4830 won't actually end up outperforming 8800gt. There is a real possibility of that, we simply don't know yet. It's just that if it does, the gap will be a lot smaller than shown in this fake benchmark by ATI.
Does anyone know clock speeds, memory bandwith(128 bits?) amount of memory and how many pipes? We can extrapoliate from there, perhaps underclock a 4850 to 4830 clocks for that purpose.