HD 5770 on XPS 435MT



Hi, If you know or have a Dell Studio 435MT please read. I just read that its possible to upgrade the Studio XPS 435MT with a new graphics card. I want to buy a Sapphire ATi HD 5770 and for those of you who have bought HD 5770 did you just slot it in and were ready to install the drives or did you also have to plug in the 6 pin power connector like they ask on the website. These two I want to choose from:

Sapphire ATi HD 5770

Sapphire ATi HD 5770 Vapor

Did anyone who used the Vapor have any problems, like it was to big to fit the case etc.

If I did have to put in 6 pin where would I put it. I don't see any where I can connect it to. :(

Thank you for any help you offer and thanks for taking the time to read.
The correct way of installing the new GPU is; Remove the old one in device manager, shut down, Physically remove the old one and install the new one, Start up (card now running on win std VGA driver) and install drivers for the new card.
The HD5770 has a plug (you will find it on the card) for the 6 pin power connector that comes of your PSU It has to be plugged in for the card to work properly.
The HD5770 will run on the original PSU here is proof from Dell http://en.community.dell.com/support-forums/desktop/f/3514/t/19269320.aspx