HD 6670 Performance

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Sgt Prophet

May 29, 2011
I just received a XFX HD 6670 1GB graphics card. I've seen many people play games at resolutions as high as 1920x1080 with settings maxed out on an HD 5670. I figured the 6670 would do even better. I used to play on an SLI 9600 GT setup, but that finally died. I got an Dell Inspiron 570 and I loved it. However, the power supply could not handle one of my 9600 GTs due to the fact that it requires a 4pin which the power supply doesn't have. That's another reason why these low pro cards looked so appealing. I would have gotten an HD 5830 if I didn't have to upgrade the power supply.

When I received the HD 6670, I put it in and started her up. I had a black screen. I found that one of the ports are bad. The VGA port worked so I didn't bother worry about the other port. After that, the computer started just fine. I installed the 11.5b drivers off of AMD's website. After that, I went to set my monitor's native resolution which is 1920x1080. I could only set it to 1600x1200. I didn't mind that much, but it was starting to get a little weird. I started up Just Cause 2 and noticed that it looked rather choppy with all the settings maxed out and in 1600x1200 so I turned on fraps and found that I was playing under 20 frames. I was disappointed with performance, but I figured maybe it was the game and not the card. So I tried Crysis 2 which I've played before on my last setup. I could play it on 1920x1080 with Gamer settings and get 40FPS avg with the last setup. I tried it at 1600x1200 at Hardcore settings with my new computer and it was terrible. So I went back to Gamer and still terrible. I was given some advice by "king smp" (a good member of the forums) to uninstall all drivers including the one onboard and start the computer in safe mode and install it there. So I went to "Uninstall Programs" and deleted Crystal Control Center. Then I went to "My Computer" and "Device Manager" to delete all display adapters. I did this for both onboard and the 6670. When I started in safe mode, it wouldn't allow me to install the drivers. So I did it in normal mode and still I had terrible performance. Does anyone think the card it self is just bad or maybe I missed some drivers? I want to play Just Cause so bad. I couldn't play it on my last setup because I only had XP. Plus, I really want to play The Witcher 2, but that also has terrible performance. I can't honestly deal with resolutions lower then 1440x900 after playing most games in 1920x1080 for years.

well i know some people hate to see even the slightest jag in their game. to me i'm fine with those jaggies as long as the game rendered well. but i'd like to push AF to the max :p


Sep 26, 2008
The HD 6670 is a "sweet spot" card: a lot of bang for very few bucks and watts. Yes, it can max out some games at 1080p, but those benchmarks are usually done with a powerful CPU and a lot of memory. For gaming the CPU is less important than the graphics card, especially in shooters, while the CPU becomes more important in RTS games. However if you have a weak CPU and/or less than 2gb memory you will notice lower framerates than in the review benchmarks online. Even with the best CPU and tons of memory the HD 6670 is still a budget card: it won't be able to max out many newer games at 1080p and the benchmarks show that. You can improve the framerates by not using more than 2xAA (the difference between 2xAA and 4xAA is barely visible at 900p, let alone 1080p), lowering settings for shadows (you'll barely see the difference in most games, but you'll get higher framerates) and lowering shaders, or the resolution, whichever looks better to you.


Jul 21, 2011
hi can u help me ? I have xfx radeon hd 6670 DDR5..call of duty black ops 45-50 fps,call of duty 6 same,call od duty 5 same...aaah every game i tried is slow motion pictures .. I have intel dual core 2,33Ghz,power supply 600W,2 GB ram...if I buy 2 more GB of ram will this problem be solved or not...sorry bad english I'm from croatia

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