Hd 6670 power requirements

You don't need a 400W for a HD6670, a good 300 or even 250W will do. 240 is cutting it close maybe, i personally wouldn't.

But, maybe it's a good one, to be sure ; open your case and tell us the amperes on the +12V rail you find on the label of the powersupply. http://www.google.nl/imgres?imgurl=http://www.dansdata.com/images/gtr450/psu_label_1280.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.dansdata.com/quickshot035.htm&h=782&w=1280&sz=231&tbnid=OYcWVILJKWyFdM:&tbnh=75&tbnw=122&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dpsu%2Blabel%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=psu+label&usg=__VJVMFTRkMfHHG_A3tnxmpnehvR0=&docid=bO69zadbMYNG-M&sa=X&ei=NhxYUKKkDOqr0QWYi4DICA&ved=0CCsQ9QEwAg&dur=341

A HD7750 uses even less power btw. ( and is better )
PSU is as important as anyother component and if you have'nt bought one and plan to upgrade to a more powerful card card later on, or add more drives or ram sticks etc (which some ppl do eventually), do get a good 350/400W psu. psu's attain their best efficiency around 70-80 % load and perform worse on full system load (though still outputting the rated Wattage) at 240 W you be pushing the psu to its poor efficiency area by almost fully loading it.

Thanks man i love you!! xDD you saved my life and money, i was gonna buy the 6670 but no ill go for 7750, thaaaanks!