HD 6750 problem


Feb 18, 2015
I changed my old hd 4830 for hd 6750,i know it's not much of an upgrade but i'm only playing euro truck simulator 2 and some other games very rarely, but after i changed my cards i'm experiencing some strange problem so here it is:If i'm playing games on 60 fps it's smooth but if my fps drop to 45-50 or goes over 60 than it becomes verry laggy and choppy it even start to freeze by milliseconds,same thing happens if my fps is 30,while it's 30 it's smooth but if it's goes over or under it's becomes unplayable,also if i change my refresh rate to 75hz than it's smooth on 75fps or on 37,5fps anything over or under is unplayable,and becauase of this problem i'm forced to play games capped on 30fps even if my card is capable of running them at 50-60. Is anyone have some idea what could be the problem?


Feb 18, 2015

Yes i even reinstalled windows and tried a couple of different drivers
On my old hd 4830 gameplay at 25fps was smoother than gameplay on 45fps on this card
Also if i put my monitor refresh rate on 60 and play at 30fps it's smooth like it should be but if i put my screen refresh rate on 75 and play at 30fps it's unplayable because it's stutters a lot



Feb 18, 2015

Sorry i forgot here they are:
CPU:Intel Xeon E5440
Monitor:Belinea 1705 S1 1280x1024
RAM:6 Gb DDR2 800mhz running in interleaved dual channel
PSU:Intex 600w (don't think that is a problem because hd4830 was running fine on it even overclocked)
HDD:Samsung 500gb
And GPU:VTX HD 6750 1Gb Gddr5 128bit


Feb 18, 2015

Didn't tried other monitor,i know it's old system and i'm happy with 30-40fps in euro truck simulator 2 for example but i just want to get rid of the lagging on hd 4830 and same cpu and everything else i was getting 40-50 fps on medium settings but now i'm getting even more fps but its laggy only fix i found is to put refresh rate at 75hz and cap fps at 37,5 with vsync but sometimes it drops to 30 and becuase screen refresh rate is at 75hz it's verry laggy at 30fps and i can not figure out why fps is only smooth when it's not matching with screen refresh rate in some older games i have over 60fps but i must lock i to 60 because it's becomes unstable....It's look like fps isn't stable over or under screen refresh rate monitoring tools shows over 60 but it looks like it's drops on every few seconds very low a lot under 60fps and if it's locked to 60 it's smooth.


Feb 18, 2015

Same thing while fps is matching refresh rate it's smooth and when it's not it's laggy only difference is with vsync on i don't have tearing and with vsync off i have but it's lags no matter if vsync is on or off.
Thanks for your help btw.


Feb 18, 2015

Yes i tried,i think you didn't understand me properly i don't have a problem with fps i have high fps in most games i play like 50-60 but problem is stuttering and lag when fps is not matching refresh rate or half of refresh rate. Is there maybe some setting in bios that i could change i have never found someone who have same problem like i do. I know my pc is old but i'm playing older games i'm not playing gta 5,ac syndicate,........i play ets 2 mostly and some older games from 2010 or 2011 and i'm sure my pc can handle them i think it could even handle newer ones at least on 30fps on my resolution and i'm happy with it but i just can not solve that stuttering issue because i can not keep my fps on stable 60 but if it's drop to 50 it start to stutter and it will stutter until it drop down to 30 and than it will be smooth until it drops down to 28,only way is locking fps to 30 or 60 but as i said before i don't want to play games at 30 when i can run them on 50-60 but because of the stuttering it's smoother on 30 than on 50 and i don't think that should be like that.