HD 7970 vs GTX 670


Jan 16, 2013
hi everyone, should i choose a gtx 670 or a hd 7970?
I first wanted to choose a 670 but because it's just 2GB, the 3GB 7970 might be an option to!

GTX 670: http://goo.gl/JsLCU
HD 7970: http://goo.gl/Z4YvN

I am going to play at 1680 x 1050, and i want 80+ fps on BF3 (medium - high settings)

Preffered site: Amazon
Budget: $410
No single dollar more! 😛
If you desire playing at 1680 x 1050 resolution than the best card for you is a
Radeon HD 7870 Myst. Edition 2 GB GDDR5.

=> This is one of the best Graphic card in mid level but serves like a Pro
=> It happens to use the same shaders as HD7950
=> This is actually a HD 7870LE (tahiti) which is declared as the best video card for money
=> According to Tom


Check your benchmarks again.. but I agree that the 7970 is faster than the 670
only in the dozen or so games that use PhysX



Be very wary about the 7970ghz. I do not want to sound like a nvidia fanboy so let me explain why.

I bought 2 $600 7970 vapor x sapphire cards with 6gb vram. I was all excited to have what was the fastest card on the market with enough vram to play a heavily modded skyrim at triple monitor res. However, I was not getting anywheres near the performance I thought I should be with games. All of the benchmarks said these were the fastest single gpu cards on the market. I went and got an rma figuring they were defective but had the same exact problems. I decided to do some further tests and found when I removed a card I got about the same amount of fps in most games. The ones I tested were skyrim, far cry 3, hitman absolution, sleeping dogs, crysis 3 beta, gtaiv, tf2 (just for fun lol) metro 2033, and the witcher. Out of all of those games the only ones that scaled in crossfire were sleeping dogs, and hitman. With far cry 3 I got 10 more fps but when the average at the settings I was on was 40 that is an unacceptable difference for another 600 dollars. So, Basically AMD drivers are prehistoric and if you go crossfire you will not be getting an acceptable level of performance until much time after the game is released, and only if it is a triple a title. Additionally, the microstutter was tremendous in crossfire, and even present yet fully playable with one card. Another reason these sucked is because of cthe terrible coil whine but that was probably a sapphire problem. I have seen a bunch of people online having problems with AMD drivers too. Take the words "fastest single gpu card on the market" with a grain of salt. If a runner A can reach 1mph faster speeds than another runner B but then dies down much slower before picking back up again while runner b is keeping a much steadier pace, then it is kind of like the 7970 vs the 680. Even though the 7970 has better avg fps on a graph it is much less playable because you get such bad fps drops you may as well be playing at 20 fps. Nvidia has adaptive vsync which below 60 fps helps eliminate micro stutter and random fps drops to nothing at all.

And, all of these people telling you that you will destroy any game out right now with one card is an idiot. I will present you a list of games that are one hundred percent unplayable with two 7970 ghz cards at max settings 1080p:

Hitman Absolution
Far Cry 3
Metro 2033
Witcher 2
Crysis 3
Skyrim with lots of grass and an enb mod

To be honest that is the majority of my games. I could probably find a whole bunch more if i owned more.

I do not approve of this practice, but somehow nvidia usually get AAA developers to better optimize games for their cards on launch (Bf3, Skyrim, Far Cry 3 [which was even an AMD never settle bundle game lol], crysis 2 all ran much better on nvidia cards at launch.) With the economic state amd is in they do not have the funds to curve this. They will likely only exist in the future as a simple roadblock so that nvidia cannot literally charge whatever they want even though they will still be pretty far ahead of amd. So you will probably only get more shitty launches and driver updates in the future.

LONG STORY SHORT: AMD + terrible drivers + microstutter + bad game launch performance + taking forever to get crossfire to work in many AAA games which kind of goes along with drivers + there economic state likely supporting this in the future=you should probably go nvidia.

If you do not believe me try an AMD card yourself and if you do not get those problems then just keep it. I suggest buying 2 cards now and returining one after your testing is done just so that you can see the crossfire problems which was one of the biggest issues. You will probably do it later down the road if not now.

As for me, I have 2 680 classifieds coming in the mail and am very excited as when my friend let me try out his on my machine they were absolutely amazing!
not being an expert on crossfire, but did you install beside drivers also the crossfire profiles? cause these should help with it
ps: i am running evga 660ftw my first nvidia ever on 1080, and will probably go with 770ftw for 1440p, probably cause of lower tdp than amds.

Yes I had all of the latest drivers and the latest CAP as well. I was considering getting 2 780 classifieds but seeing as unlike you I do not have any graphics card besides intel 4000 integrated to last me until they release in about 8 months I figured I should not wait (especially considering since they are going to be based off 28nm tech and be kepler at best they will be 20 percent better. And that is unlikely.)

For someone that does not want to come off as an NVidia fan boy, you definitely failed at that.

First off calling people idiots that give someone advice that is the same as nearly every single impartial 3rd party review site (that test the cards in many of the games you mentioned) does not make them idiots.
2ndly if you wish to use the "I have friends that have" as a basis for the validity of such remarks ... we all have friends...personally I have 3 that I will mention here - 2 that have the 7970 and 1 with gtx 670....the 7970's are chewing through every single game my friends throw at them without any issues or troubles. The friend with the gtx 670 hasn't yet decided if he wants to UPGRADE to the 7970 as he has had issues with ATI/AMD video cards.
3rdly I believe everyone's experience with video cards is affected by their hardware/software etc running on their individual pc's and their own individual ability/skill with figuring out any said issues. This I believe may account for the issues you mentioned however I do believe you are just a fanboy attacking the 7970 simply out of your hatred of and for anything ati/amd

Well well. Looks like we have ourselves a rowdy one don't we? As of now I have received and installed my 680 classified's. Unlike the AMD cards they run perfect with absolutely no microstutter or sli issues or random crashes or even noticeable drops in frames at any point in time. In games that are demanding of it enough, it keeps a constant 30 to 32 fps, not averaging 36 fps and every now and again dropping to 10 fps like the AMD cards did. Make out of it what you want, but at least for my system AMD quite obviously blows donkey dick. That or I consecutively got 2 hugely defective 600 dollar cards which is as likely as seeing an eight legged infant flying through the sky and managing to get Michael J Fox to stay still with his beautiful voice of opera.

You're full of it

my stock 7950 runs Sleeping Dogs, and Hitman Absolution at 1920x1080, 8x/16x with fully maxed settings

13.2 and even 12.11 improved microstuttering. Besides, with some effort there's an external fix that allows you to get less microstutter than even an nvidia(RadeonPro tweaker).


Ill agree with almost everything you said except the friends part, seeing something in real life makes all the difference in the world.