HD Failure?


Dec 31, 2007

I recently found an old HD in my collection of bits and, to my surprise it was a 4Gb Maxtor.
It's only a UDMA33 and 5400 rpm, but I figure it would be a decent MP3 drive.

My BIOS recognizes the drive and I have deleted all partitions and re-partitioned it. When I tried to format in Windows 98 it locks up my computer.

So I formatted in DOS and for FAT32. However, my machine will still lock-up if I try to access the HD for more than a few seconds...
i.e. I can Explore the drive but if I try to install a program to it or copy a file to the HD I get lockup.

Any suggestions?

The Rest:
AOpen AX6B (440BX) 133 MHz FSB
GeForce2 MX
128 Mb PC133
Quantum FB 7.6 Gb
Maxtor 4 Gb
check the jumpers..

is it running as a slave with the Quantum as master or is by itself with a different cable. If it's by itself, what type of cable ya using (is it a cable select? how many connectors does it have.. where'd you get it?)

There's probably a Maxtor disk utility you can use to check the drive.. (I don't know for sure I haven't looked). But if there's anything physically wrong with the drive, this might give you an idea.

***Hey I run Intel... but let's get real***
Both the Quantum and the Maxtor are on the IDE1 controller.
The Quantum is master and the Maxtor is set to slave mode.

As for the cable, it's just a standard IDE cable. I'm not sure if it supports Cable Select options. But irregardless, the BIOS is able to see the drives in the correct positions (master/slave).

Do you expect the Cable Select Mode to work better than Master/Slave settings?

no cable select is not better.. usually picky as hell, which if you had a cable select cable might explain it.

>>But irregardless, the BIOS is able to see the drives in the correct positions (master/slave).<<

All the more reason it might be a funky cable, since everything seems to be set up properly at recognized it the bios, etc. But I would've said that more so if it had been on one by itself or using an IDE cable with one connector.. not the case here so I although it still might be the cable. It's not as likely a situation with the Quantum working properly for you on the same cable. Download and run the POWERMAX utitlity off a bootable floppy... see if the diagnostics on that will spot anything.

***Hey I run Intel... but let's get real***