HD7850 Or GTX660 (Same Price)


Dec 6, 2013
Hi all, im new here, anyways to the point i'm looking to build a budget pc, i know what i need generally for the other parts, however as of now i am torn between these two cards(gtx660,Hd7850), i am using , the reason i am not sure of which one of the two to grab are the prices, they are both $190 on newegg

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102999 (HD 7750)
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127699 (gtx660)

now as far as i have being told the hd 7850 factory clocks are lower than that of the 660, however apparently it has alot more overclocking headroom, at least alot more than that of the 660. I will mostly be using this rig for gaming. all answers are appreciated,thanks
i have ati 7850 (sapphire) 3dmark 2011 performance score 6200(stock), 7400(1120 gpu, 1400 memory), 7800 (1200 gpu 1380 mem 2.25 v)
catalyst 13.9
i will test today beta drivers to see the difference

660 is better than 7850, but i don't know if 660 oc is better than 7850 oc
in passmark my 7850 has 3600 score (3700 is on passmark site for all 7850 tested)
with 1120 gpu and 1450 mem i have 4500 score

660 has 4100, but i dont know 660 oc score

my advise, get 660, even if you cant oc it too much, is a good gpu
consider this
660 better than 7850 (15%-18%)
660oc same as 7850oc (not sure)