HDD Activity light fully on but the HDD is acting weirdly.


Oct 29, 2012
So, i don't know where to start really.

Recently, to be exact about a Month and mybye even more, my HDD was acting really weird.

So what's happening is that when my HDD is underload i have a ton of stuff open etc, it is working like normal HDD would for about 5-7 seconds. Then the Activity Light is on and THAT SHOULD mean that HDD is under full load so it should make some noise when spinning, but instad the light is on but the hard drive is like completely idle and my PC is Really and by really i mean really laggy feel like the HDD just doesn't have Juice for some reason but in Resource monitor it shows as it uses like 5-15% so it is Idle.

And then when i manage to close all of those programs that make my HDD sweat up. HDD is working like a normal HDD. When i open some Load programs, same story.

When i restart my PC (Win 7 ult 64 bit, FRESH COPY!!) it sometimes does the samething when i am already on desktop but it loads programs.

I don't know how to explain it properly.

Pentium G3220
Gigabyte H81M-D2V
Kingston ValueRAM 2x2GB 1333mhz
Radeon HD 6670 ddr3
CX 430 bought almost 2 years ago.
WD blue 1TB bought 1 Year ago.

So yea if you could help me i would be happy

A screenshot from Resource monitor when this HDD thingy happened:http://puu.sh/e9j2x/6e49c7372e.png

And i barrely even took the screenshot it was really laggy, but i managed it.
Smart is showing as Good in CrystalDisk.:http://puu.sh/e9kIl/a120d43cd8.png

Btw the thing starts when it reaches 80-100% load.
Even when loading in a map in CS:GO it sometimes starts to do this and i can't even load in the map and i have to restart PC, as i can't do anything pretty much then.

SATA3 HDD aka the EZEX model.
The drive is seriously ill.

There are 43 (= 0x2B) "pending" sectors, ie bad sectors that are waiting to be replaced with spares.

The drive has recorded 17191 (= 0x4327) Reported Uncorrectable Errors.

The Command Timeouts attribute also indicates that the drive has had problems processing read or write requests, possibly due to excessive read retries. The Raw Read Error Rate attribute has also begun to degrade.

It lagged even when i installed this simple program...
Give me some times as that will be laggy adventure.

So i did both WD and Seagate quick tests.
WD one passed as that one is Smart test.
Seagate one Failed tho.
CPU fine.
And i am defianetly not in hunt to buy a new HDD as i am very short on money now.
The drive is seriously ill.

There are 43 (= 0x2B) "pending" sectors, ie bad sectors that are waiting to be replaced with spares.

The drive has recorded 17191 (= 0x4327) Reported Uncorrectable Errors.

The Command Timeouts attribute also indicates that the drive has had problems processing read or write requests, possibly due to excessive read retries. The Raw Read Error Rate attribute has also begun to degrade.

That means it's basically Rip?

I will do full Surface test then.
Once it's complete i will send screenshot
It will take some time
So far so bad:http://puu.sh/ebEgj/2e1ce9e1da.png
But these are not Physical damage sectors. These are From emergency shutdown's that i did with the power button.
So these are repairable.


I scanned the HDD with Bootable USB HDDRegenerator program.
And the sectors are all good now 😀.