Any abnormal operation is a sign of potential fail.
Or, it could show NO abnormal operation, and still die.
Storage devices can die at any time. Sometimes quite suddenly. No matter how old or new.
If it happens within the warranty period, free replacement.
If past the warranty had a good life.
There is no massaging it to make it last longer. It could die in the next 5 minutes. Or last another 5 years.
I had an almost brand new drive go from great to dead in about 36 hours. 5 weeks off the store shelf.
The only safeguard for the data on it is a good backup routine.
What is your backup situation at home? And if you don't do that, why not? Every single day, I read multiple threads here of "How do I get my stuff back?" or "That drive had 5 years of photos of my kids!!" Be it a dead drive, dropped phone, virus, accidental deletion, formatting the wrong...