[SOLVED] HDD Clicking

Jan 2, 2021
One if my drives started clicking yesterday. I thought it was almost dead(i can copy data from it) and I got a new drive and a cloning dock by Orico. When I plugged in my drive into the dock it stopped clicking. Can you help me troubleshoot? Thank you in advance!
Any abnormal operation is a sign of potential fail.
Or, it could show NO abnormal operation, and still die.

Storage devices can die at any time. Sometimes quite suddenly. No matter how old or new.
If it happens within the warranty period, free replacement.
If past the warranty period..well..it had a good life.

There is no massaging it to make it last longer. It could die in the next 5 minutes. Or last another 5 years.
I had an almost brand new drive go from great to dead in about 36 hours. 5 weeks off the store shelf.

The only safeguard for the data on it is a good backup routine.
Any abnormal operation is a sign of potential fail.
Or, it could show NO abnormal operation, and still die.

Storage devices can die at any time. Sometimes quite suddenly. No matter how old or new.
If it happens within the warranty period, free replacement.
If past the warranty period..well..it had a good life.

There is no massaging it to make it last longer. It could die in the next 5 minutes. Or last another 5 years.
I had an almost brand new drive go from great to dead in about 36 hours. 5 weeks off the store shelf.

The only safeguard for the data on it is a good backup routine.
The only safeguard for the data on it is a good backup routine.

Yep. I don't care about the data on my SSDs because all of it is backed up... I have the install executables, etc... for every program and game on it. I have 2 HDDs (10TB and 12TB) for my current media file hoard (currently about 5.5TB) because one drive backs up the other. :)