HDD crashes pc it is transplanted into, can data be recovered?


Aug 19, 2014
My friend's pc has been having issues, I narrowed it down to the HDD mainly (also I think the MB is faulty too, its an old MSI 770-G45, so probably time for a new one). When turned on it would boot really slowly and just before it gets to the windows loading screen you just get the flashing underscore. So I took it out and put it in my pc as a secondary drive to my SSD, it makes my pc boot considerably slowly than usual (I normally have a HDD as a secondary which I unplugged and put his in its place).

When I go into 'My Computer' his drive is given the label D: but there is no info about free space/capacity etc.... the progress bar at the top of the 'My Computer' window fills up slowly then the pc goes BSOD. I restarted and tried running 'chkdsk D: /f /r /x' in the command prompt, I got a message about not having sufficient permission to do this and then BSOD! My account is the admin account on my pc so I'm not sure why I don't have permission.

Anyway, is there a chance to recover data from this drive or is the drive salvageable or is it a write off?
Only a data recovery service can retrieve data from a drive that's in that condition, but it costs a small fortune to have that done as the service is used mainly by commercial companies who are willing (and able) to pay large sums to get highly sensitive or mission-critical data back.

Your friend should have backed up his/her data as matter of daily or weekly routine. No backups = asking for trouble.
Only a data recovery service can retrieve data from a drive that's in that condition, but it costs a small fortune to have that done as the service is used mainly by commercial companies who are willing (and able) to pay large sums to get highly sensitive or mission-critical data back.

Your friend should have backed up his/her data as matter of daily or weekly routine. No backups = asking for trouble.
Thank you Phillip, yes I agree especially as this is the second HDD he's had that's failed, although I managed to retrieve the data from the first one as it wasn't in as bad a state as this one is. To be fair he did buy an external HDD and back everything up, I think there was just some newer stuff on this HDD that maybe he didn't get around to doing in time.