Question HDD isn't recognized until restart


Mar 13, 2022
Hi, my external hdd isn't recognized on some usb ports until i restart windows and they suddenly appear on my computer. Board is VIII hero, and i think only on blue ports, when i reconnect them to red one it is recognized immideatly, but on blue port it doesn't appear, even on hd sentinel and similar health check software.
Update your post to include full system hardware specs and OS information.

PSU: make, model, wattage, age, condition?

Disk drive(s): make, model, capacity, how full? Include the external HDD.

What cable is being used to connect the external drive to the port?
PSU: Seasonic GX 750W, 2019 year.
Disk drive: any usb hdd connected on blue usb port.
CPU and MBO: ryzen 3800x, VIII Hero.
Windows 11.
I have latest chipset driver.