HDD keeps disconnecting

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Oct 9, 2016
So my WD blue 2tb HDD keeps disconnecting and reconnecting from my computer. I swapped the cable headers over and it still happens so it's not my motherboard, all bets on it being the drive. I've also done a scan on it and everything seems fine, the only problem is it keeps disconnecting. Two days prior to the start I done a massive file transfer of about a terrabyte worth of games to this drive. I don't know if that caused anything to go wrong. But if I can be given any advice then I would appreciate it, I mean I've had the hdd for less than a year. If not can anyone recommend a good brand of HDD that doesn't cost mega amounts so I can replace it. I'm building a new pc in the next few days so I'm hoping if this can get answered tonight I can order one and have it delivered before then.

Thanks in advance for any answers

About 95% of the time I've seen this problem, it's a bad cable. The other 5% are split between a bad drive and a bad SATA controller/connector on the motherboard. The number of times I've seen this problem has dropped to almost zero ever since I started paying a few cents extra for the SATA cables with clips that hold them onto the connectors.

And a cable that's "bad" on one drive may work just fine on another. It all has to do with the geometry of the gold contacts, so a drive with its SATA connector at a...
have you tried changing cables? If your wanting a big platter drive Seagates are know for their speeds but low durability while WD are slower but have high durability. I would also email WD and let them know as its still under warranty and see if you can get the drive replaced.

Something cheap and dont care i would go with this https://pcpartpicker.com/product/CbL7YJ/seagate-barracuda-2tb-35-7200rpm-internal-hard-drive-st2000dm006

Personally i would go with a WD black, still have 2 wd velociraptor that are pushing 15 years old running with a mix of blue and black drives that are just as old still running strong.
Yeah I just changed the cables and I'll see what happens now, if my other drive disconnects then it's obviously the cable, if not then it's the drive and I shall email WD. Do you know what info I would need to provide them?

About 95% of the time I've seen this problem, it's a bad cable. The other 5% are split between a bad drive and a bad SATA controller/connector on the motherboard. The number of times I've seen this problem has dropped to almost zero ever since I started paying a few cents extra for the SATA cables with clips that hold them onto the connectors.

And a cable that's "bad" on one drive may work just fine on another. It all has to do with the geometry of the gold contacts, so a drive with its SATA connector at a slightly different angle can work fine with a cable which doesn't work on a different drive. The clips add some positive spring pressure to press the contacts together, making for a more reliable connection.
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