Question Damaged HDMI cable has led to more problems ?


Apr 26, 2020
Hi everyone
I have a computer with:

MBD: MSI X570-A Pro
GPU: MSI Radeon RX 570 Armor 8G OC
OS: Windows 10

On inserting the HDMI cable, it badly damaged the end which plugs in to the graphics card, and it shorted out.
I took the graphics card out and tried the damaged cable after trying to fix it into the motherboard's own HDMI port.

Now, as well as not having any graphics, the computer will not recognize the mouse or keyboard, and it seems to stay in a powered-on state with everything lit up, but I can only switch it off by holding in the power button in for around 5 seconds

The only thing Ive tried is to power on holding the flash bios button, but I don't know what else to try.
Any advice would be very much appreciated
include your complete system specs with the make & model of ALL components.

inserting the HDMI cable it badly damaged the cable end going to the grahic card, and shorted out
where was the this HDMI cable obtained?

normally this wouldn't affect the entire card, just the specific port.
what exactly has lead you to believe that the entire card has "shorted out"?
tried the damaged cable...Apart from not having any graphics, the computer now when switched on, will not recognize the mouse or the keyboard, and seems to stay in a powered on state
if this is some sort of odd dangerous cable, it's possible that you have damaged the entire board by trying to reuse it through the iGPU.

including your complete system specs will help to diagnose.
only thing Ive tried is to power on holding the flash bias button
this "Flash BIOS" button has nothing to do with powering the system.
so it wouldn't have the affect you may have been hoping for.