HDMI port not working on GEFORCE GTX 750Ti

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Jan 23, 2015
Good Morning! I just purchased an Asus GEFORCE GTX 750Ti. This is for the purposes of a 4 monitor setup ( mainly business, not gaming ). The 2 DVI and VGA ports work great but the HDMI does not function. In speaking with Asus support they said that my motherboard / Bios may not support 4 monitors OR the card is defective. I just really would like to verify before having to deal with the downtime of my business computer to return the card.

The Motherboard is stock on my HP pc. It is a Pegatron M2N78-LA. My Processor is an AMD Athlon II X4 620 2.6 GHz. I have tried to find an update to the BIOS from HP but the link to the download on their site is dead so I am assuming that it is no longer supported. Any assistance would be GREATLY appreciated! Thanks!
I've found a few examples of people pulling this off. HDMI, two DVI to HDMI cables, and a 4th monitor on the VGA connector. (Only digital connections can be used in Nvidia Surround)

Might have to agree on ASUS with this one, you may have a defective port.
I recommend RMAing the card, if you're worried about downtime you might consider buying the cheapest PCI-E video card you can possibly buy to use in the meantime. There are a lot of Geforce 8400s or similar on eBay for very little.
Link to the specific card? Your description seems to differ from a stock Nvidia cards outputs.

List all of the monitors and cable type as well.

More then likely you need one active display adapter to generate another clock frequency to run a fourth monitor.

Here is my exact GPU: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121855

Right now I have one monitor connected via VGA and two via DVI. I have also ruled out HDMI cable or monitor issues.
I've found a few examples of people pulling this off. HDMI, two DVI to HDMI cables, and a 4th monitor on the VGA connector. (Only digital connections can be used in Nvidia Surround)

Might have to agree on ASUS with this one, you may have a defective port.
So I had checked just yesterday for a new driver and no new ones were available. Just checked today and there was a new one and it now works perfect! Thanks everyone for your help in troubleshooting.
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