HDMI Switch that supports HDMI 2.0


Jan 30, 2013
Hi guys,

I was wondering if anyone knew of a Switch which supports HDMI 2.0 cables? The whole point with this is to play my console at, at least 60Hz if possible 120Hz at 1080p do let me know and if you can link any Switches that support HDMI 2.0 cables, I'd appreciate it very much.


Ah I see, so could you kindly link a HDMI cable that supports 1080p at 120Hz? The reason why I am fixating on higher Hz is because I intend to use one for my console and the other for my PC, and my PC monitor currently is 144Hz monitor with maxed resolution at 1080p.

Also if there's any chance you could possibly link a Switch that supports whichever version of HDMI that supports 1080p at 120Hz I would very much appreciate it. Thanks!


So I found this HDMI cable: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Betron-HDMI-Cable-Ethernet-Function/dp/B00L5AW9F8/ref=sr_1_17?ie=UTF8&qid=1436211072&sr=8-17-spons&keywords=hdmi+cable+1.4b

Which I believe it to be v1.4 so this definitely should support PS4 at 60fps correct?

Hi, thank you for the continuous support.

Well, basically I already have a gaming PC that supports 1080p at 144Hz due to the fact that I have bought a monitor which supports 144Hz, but be noted that the monitor only has one Displayport and USB 3.0 hubs and etc.

So as far as the PC setup is concerned everything is pretty much fine, the tricky part is that I want to use this monitor to play my PS4, but since PS4 supports HDMI and not DP, and my monitor only has one DP, I intend to get this: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B004C9P9TM/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=A2HI77ZYQGGRR3

But I also wanted to use both my PC and PS4 without having to crawl under the desk everytime I wanted to switch the monitor, and this is where the Switch comes in. So the idea is to hook up two v1.4 HDMI cables (http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00K97BPIA/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=A3108QBFCDGHS1) into the Switch, I don't know which Switch supports v1.4 HDMI cables, and then use the first link provided to connect HDMI Output to the HDMI end of the cable I linked (HDMI to DP not HDMI to HDMI cable) and then finally connect the DP cable end to my monitor, would this work?
What ports exactly are on you monitor??

You should just go display port from PC to monitor, and hmdi from console to monitor. Then just switch the input source at the monitor.

No your setup will not work. First off, display Port to Hdmi only works because your PC has a driver/software to actively convert the signal; otherwise you would need a active adapter and not just a cable to convert it. You cant go from HDMI to display port without an active adapter that converts it for you (and I can not even find an adapter that goes HDMI -> DP only DP -> HDMI).

Also anything but display port to display port (or dvi to dvi) will loose the 144hz ability. As soon as you convert to HDMI it drops to whatever HDMI standard the adapter uses.

Ah I see, thanks for letting me know this way won't actually work. My monitor unfortunately has only ONE displayport which looks like this on both ends: http://sgcdn.startech.com/005329/media/products/gallery_large/DP2VGAMM6.C.jpg

So currently, my PC monitor is hooked up to the monitor itself (DP) and my GPU (DP, but GPU supports HDMI as well) and I guess you are on the money about losing 144Hz.

Is there ANY way (no matter how bothersome it may be, i.e. disconnecting/connecting cords) to use this monitor that I have for PS4 at all?

Monitor that I am using: https://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=MO-067-AC&groupid=17&catid=1851

As far as I can tell: 1 x DisplayPort 1 x USB 3.0 In 4 x USB 3.0 Out

As for the monitor (the product it self) please check the link: http://www.scan.co.uk/products/27-acer-umhb0eea01-144hz-g-sync-3d-gaming-display-displayport-1920x1080-300cd-m2-100m1-1ms-xb270habp

The link goes into a heavy detail of the product itself. Hope this helps.

Thank you so much for sticking around and not just abandoning the problem I have, I know it's a headache but I just wanted to let you know I appreciate the help.

With that being said, was this the only adapter that will do HDMI output to DP input? Also if you could quickly educate me on this, the HDMI on PS4 is considered an Output? But DP is (which I believe is the monitor) is considered Input? I assumed it will be the other way round.

As for the suggestion on DisplayPort Switch, it's unfortunately not listed on Amazon.co.uk. However, will ANY Displayport Switch do the trick? Also does this mean that since I will be using Displayport Switch, I won't suffer any loss with 144Hz monitor right?


I see I see, so what I should be looking for is a HDMI to Displayport Adaptor and not the other way round. Does the same go for the Switch that I am supposed to get? Before I thought I needed two input and one output switch, but what I should get is two output and one input switch correct?

Thank you so much for the suggestions.
Yes you need HDMI to DisplayPort adapter as you are covering the OUTPUT hdmi sginal from the PS4 to the Displayport signal to go into the monitor.

Incorrect. You need 2+ input and 1 output. 2ouput and 1 input would be a splitter not a switch.

The input/output portion is a device specific term, so you have to look at it in perspective of each individual device.
The HDMI OUTPUT of the PS4 has to come IN to the switch, so at the switch that connection is now an INPUT.
Thus lets say I have a DVR box, a Home Theater Receiver, and a TV. The DVR box OUTPUT is HDMI, this connects to an HDMI INPUT on the receiver, the OUTPUT of the receiver goes to the INPUT of the TV. As stated, INPUT/OUTPUT terms are relative to each device. The DVR box does not take HDMI as an input it only goes out; and the TV does not output video to another device, it only takes it as an input.
Ahh, now it all makes sense. Well thank you for your help/education regarding this matter, it immediately made me realize I wish I had bought a different monitor.

One LAST question (I swear) is there ANY other way to avoid investing so much money into the adapter itself? Is there a shortcut around this? Maybe using 2 adapter converters? What would the possibility of that working be like?

For example; From HDMI to DVI adapter cable and then DVI to DP? Would this even work? Surely sounds like a cheaper solution. Not to mention the adapter you have linked seems to be the ONLY HDMI to DP adapter (that has really bad reviews all around...)

Actually nevermind, as sad and ridiculous as it sounds, it is actually CHEAPER to buy 27 inch monitor that has 60Hz (Since it will make zero to no difference on PS4 anyway) with HDMI cable and then connect that and dedicate that monitor to PS4 instead of buying the adapter and the switch... kind of funny but oh well.