I'm looking for some headphones around the $100 budget (However might go up to around 150). I'm really stressing on comfort but good sound would be nice too. Games that i play mostly consist of CS:GO and osu! and then I just listen to music and stuff. I've been looking around and I've found the AKG k553 Pro on massdrop for $120 and the hyperx clouds look nice too (Due to the comfort of them). The problem is I'm pretty sure the akg k553 have way better sound? But I don't know if they're comfortable or not. I'd appreciate any comments on the headsets above as well as any recommendations for any headsets. Also I'm not planning on buying an amp unless there's a good cheap one. I'd also prefer closed headphones as I don't want people to hear my sound (thin walls, living with family). I do not need a mic, I already have a blue yeti, so I'm looking for headphones instead of a headset.