Need a power only USB splitter for two 50 watt cameras.... can I just solder/crimp connectors?


Apr 24, 2014
I am trying to power some USB cameras with a laptop USB power supply, but none of the USB splitters available online are spec'd to handle 50W on both connections. So, I am thinking that I can cut and crimp the wires instead of using USB splitters. I am just eliminating the USB plugs, and hard wiring the connections with crimps, right?

I SUCK at soldering, that is why I am opting for crimp connectors.
Ring cameras. One corner has a flood light camera and two stick up cameras, so I would need 55A total in that corner. I don't have a specific power supply in mind. Just any 5V 55+amp power supply.,, if they even exist. I just figured a Laptop style power supply would be cheaper and easier to use than a phone style charger.

I will be using crimp connectors that have heat shrink built in.