HEC 850W Power Supply - 80+ Silver (HEC-850TS) good or bad??


Jul 1, 2013
Found this on tiger direct for only $40 after all is said and done. Anyone ever heard of this I can't find a single review on them. Are they crappy like I'm suspecting.
HEC is definitely on the lower end of the quality spectrum for Power Supplies.

A good rule of thumb: You should expect to pay at least $1 for each 10 watts of power to get a better quality PSU. That's before any rebates. anything less is just buying junk. The PSU is the only component in your build that can destroy the other components if it goes bad. Don't skimp on the PSU, it is false economy.,
HEC is definitely on the lower end of the quality spectrum for Power Supplies.

A good rule of thumb: You should expect to pay at least $1 for each 10 watts of power to get a better quality PSU. That's before any rebates. anything less is just buying junk. The PSU is the only component in your build that can destroy the other components if it goes bad. Don't skimp on the PSU, it is false economy.,

Hi - clark hit the nail on the head - HEC is a brand to stay away from, they
are bottom feeders. You found no review of it, because there isn't any from
a trusted review site. In fact realhardtechx doesn't even have the amps
available on the +12v rails for that unit, and they update daily.


You will notice HEC is tier 5 "NOT RECOMMENDED. Replace ASAP if you have one."

Good info, thanks for the link!
I put this specific power supply in a build a little over a month ago, and it works fine. It's quiet, and has plenty of juice to run a 220 W CPU (FX-9370) that is overclocked on a Sabertooth mobo with a V8 CPU cooler, 660 TI, 16GB of 1866 RAM, and 4 SATA peripherals. No problems so far and no complaints from me- it's at the very least, a decent modular power supply at a good price point.

As to that list- consider the source. Odd how all of the stuff that's being propped up is carried on NewEgg's site, and all of the lower rated stuff is readily available on competitors' websites...seems like a pretty big coincidence.

As to the cost on this PSU, the low price is due to the fact these were initially allocated to go in SYX systems (built by a sister company of Tiger Direct). When they folded operations at the end of the year, all of the system builder parts went back to Tiger Direct's warehouses- ergo a very low cost.

Wrong - Low price is due to low quality internal parts, period. If you have that
PSU and id is working well, good. As for the list of tiered PSU's, you are wrong again.
If SYX was a house brand of Tiger, even more reason to stay away. In house brands
can be any level of quality the company contracts for.

The fact that they used HEC as opposed to Seasonic, CWT, Enermax, or even FSP confirms they were interested in low price, not good quality.

There's at least 8-10 brands in tier 5 that Newegg sells n continues to sell, as well as tier 4, etc. The top tiers are that way, because of trusted lab reviews by Hardware Secrets,
Johnny Guru, and Hard Ocp.

Low price is due to low quality internal parts, period. If you have that
PSU and id is working well, good. As for the list of tiered PSU's, you are wrong again.
If SYX was a house brand of Tiger, even more reason to stay away. In house brands
can be any level of quality the company contracts for.

Yeah...I work in the industry, so nice try. The cost of this specific power supply is explicitly tied to incentives to move surplus product; it speaks not a whiff on the quality. Like just about anything, the more you buy, the better per unit cost you get. Being a large white box and custom system builder, SYX obviously got a good deal on these based on volume. These were initially bought in bulk, and they're being cleared at low margin- ergo the low advertised cost. I'm dying to see a breakdown in components and benchmark testing- have a link that isn't just a series of lists?

I have no stake in defending HEC, but I question those who would aggressively bag on it with such certainty. Like I said, mine works great with some pretty high end components, so I'll be content in the knowledge it works well for me.

That can cut both ways.. Can YOU show us any benchmarks (other than your single, personal, example) where HEC has been tested and shown to superior, or even adequate?

I'm glad that you are having good results with your HEC unit, But just like a high-end brand may have a lemon or two, so a low end can have a good one. Overall, I'll stay away from the low-end PSUs.

As always, YMMV


Go to Tigers site for that item - 17 user reviews - 5 DOA & 1 popped after it was switched on. 6 failed out of 17 speaks for itself.

I have had this power supply for about 3 months now, and have had it in 3 rigs. I have no complaints, other than I see I made have paid a little to much for it from a local computer shop....

Either way. It works for me and powers my hungry GTX's. I have no complaints with it. Comes with an abundant of cables and connections for all builds and is super quiet . I wish I did buy it cheaper but for what I paid and for what its doing, im still content with it.