Hello guys, I have been having some problems with my new PC and recently its been pretty annoying, I have asked before for help and I have been told to disable C6/C7 State which should stop my CPU from going into Idle mode, the problem I'm having is that my PSU is not Skylake compatible and everytime I leave it for a while it just goes into idle mode and I am not able to resume unless I turn the PC off and cut the power off the PSU and boot it up which is not comfortable doing everytime and I don't feel its safe, just wondering what could be the solution, I mean I saw C3/C8 but I did not disable them, should I disable them? When I asked for help I was only told to disable C6/C7 so...
Here's my build : http://pcpartpicker.com/list/MCjJf8
Here's my build : http://pcpartpicker.com/list/MCjJf8