Question HELP! BSODs randomly occuring in more frequent intervals. New bugcheck codes each time, sometimes won't even POST


Sep 16, 2013
The computer either completely freezes with the screens stuck on whatever I saw last until a hard power cycle, or the computer black screens and restarts itself. In the most recent one, we got full BSOD log reports. Happens randomly, but primarily while playing games. 1 a day on average.

Components: (Everything is new except PSU, GPU, and CPU. Had no problems with any of these in prior build.

  • MSI MEG z690 ACE - (Updated to newest bios, no luck)
  • Crucial DDR5 5600, XMP1 (Ran memtest 2x, no errors)
  • C:/ drive Crucial 4TB T700 with heat sink (it runs oddly hot at like 56C while just surfing the web)
-- Pre-existing components taken from my last, working build --
  • D: Gaming drive/ Samsung Evo 870 4TB (Hard disk sentinel has this at 54% health rating with 596 bad sectors, no Win install, just games) (ruled this out, unplugged it and still crashes)
  • 12900k, stock speeds
  • EVGA 3080Ti swapped out for old 1080Ti and it's still crashing, even more now
  • 1000W PSU
I have tried all of the common advice like CHKDSKs, SFC scans, updating drivers, ect.
I even did a full new WIN OS install after I got stuck in a bootloop and couldn't get out following a stint with driver verifier crashing the system

After the new win install the crashes are happening more frequently, now 4-5 times a day. This morning it wouldn't even POST and I had to hard clear the computer just to get it to boot. Happens without warning, often when just loading the computer or browsing the web.

Only 33% of BSODs give any minidump, but nearly every code is different. I'm almost entirely sure it's hardware related since new Win install didn't fix it.

On Wed 1/10/2024 12:50:37 PM your computer crashed or a problem was reported

Crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\011024-10687-01.dmp (Minidump)
Bugcheck code: 0x3B(0xC0000005, 0xFFFFF80381B42801, 0xFFFF908D6B906EC0, 0x0)
Bug check description:This indicates that an exception happened while executing a routine that transitions from non-privileged code to privileged code.
Analysis:This is a typical software problem. Most likely this is caused by a bug in a driver.

On Wed 1/10/2024 12:50:37 PM your computer crashed or a problem was reported

Crash dump file: C:\Windows\MEMORY.DMP (Kernel memory dump)
Bugcheck code: 0x3B(0xC0000005, 0xFFFFF80381B42801, 0xFFFF908D6B906EC0, 0x0)
Bug check description:This indicates that an exception happened while executing a routine that transitions from non-privileged code to privileged code.
Analysis:This is a typical software problem. Most likely this is caused by a bug in a driver.

On Tue 1/9/2024 3:58:10 PM your computer crashed or a problem was reported

Crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\010924-10906-01.dmp (Minidump)
Bugcheck code: 0x154(0xFFFFB7085C689000, 0xFFFFC70FE1ED64B0, 0x1, 0x0)
Bug check description:This indicates that the store component caught an unexpected exception.
Analysis:This is a typical software problem. Most likely this is caused by a bug in a driver.

On Mon 1/8/2024 9:51:56 PM your computer crashed or a problem was reported

NOTE: Nord no longer installed after new win install
Crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\010824-12359-01.dmp (Minidump)
Bugcheck code: 0xC4(0x2000, 0xFFFFF80DDB532B0B, 0x0, 0x0)
Driver or module in which error occurred: nordlwf.sys (nordlwf+0x2B0B)
File path:nordlwf.sys
Bug check description:This is the general bug check code for fatal errors found by Driver Verifier.
Analysis:This is a typical software problem. Most likely this is caused by a bug in a driver.


Sep 16, 2013
Since i'm pretty sure it's hardware related (unless somewhere here has info pointing to a more likely candidate) I'm curious which piece of hardware you think I should RMA first? i.e. what are most likely candidates - storage? PSU? Processor?