Help choose/suggest Gpu


Oct 12, 2012
My Current specs:
I5 3570k 4.2 stock cooler
8gig of ram
Seasonic-x 660
nvidia 9600 gso 384

i currently find an offer for 2 gtx 260 for about 65-75 dollar, i think that a good buy,
i really want a hd6850 but i cant find any reasonable offers, and i dont want 7750 or 7770,
does the gtx 260 sli really that powerfull like 650 ti,560ti?

*just dont recommend me a new gpu like 560ti,650ti, it cost me more that 260 sli,
just want to spend below 100 dollar or cheaper
*i have seen 650 gold psu with oc 680 sli running 24/7
*this budget gpu just for a few month, i only playing 1440x900, still waiting 8(amd) 7(nvidia) series gpu and my fund for 2650x????p monitor next year.
When you keep going to the higher performance cards at some point the single card will beat the two 260 in sli. What you weant to do is find benchmarks for the games that you want to play and see what they use for video cards. You may have a hard time finding bencmarks for the 260 since it's now a very old card and not made any more.
The thing about going with the newere cards is that they will simply perform better because of the newer technology and if you have the opportunity to get a 7850 or 7870 on up then it would be better to go with one of those then the two 260's. Same with a 560Ti or 570 on up.

Hi there,

If budget is tight and what you currently have is enough for your needs, I'd highly suggest waiting and saving for the better things and deals to come.

It would be a waste if you got something now only to replace it after a few months of use.
I'm more than sure you will be able to line things up and purchase something worthwhile down the road.

im understand that, but that is not i will do right now, just say they next gen gpu cash sponsored.
and waiting and saving is not the plan.

does gtx 260 sli performed like hd 6850? better or lesser
im no expert on the the 260 card, but ive heard good things about it, ive been running XF 6850 my self,

but this might give you an idear of the "theoretical" winning of the battle you have :)

This is single card vs single card, and if i remember my sli math correctly then you should have a ~1.8x performance increase, which would put it way over the 6850 in theoretical performance :) .. again cant tell you about real since i havnt tried this setup my self :)

hope this helps alittle :)

It's a waste of time pulling out the pc for a swap and reconfig only to redo it when you get your next gen card. If you want to play around with it, that's a different story, go ahead, indulge.

As mentioned, it should exceed a 6850, and it'll also exceed power draw as well.

Good luck.
i have seen a vid on youtube 260 sli vs 295, the 260sli performed better at some benchmark and so as the 295
from tomshardware hierarchy chart (,3107-7.html)
it probably put in around 570,660,7850 in performance, i hope this is true.

and the price for the 260 sli in damn cheap compare to the card at the same tier as it in, about 75-80 dollar(for 2 card/total),
i think this is a good buy is it right?

and yeah, this is just for a few month card to replace 9600gso, i dont mind getting new card in the next 6-7 month.
There will be some games that the 460 will be better at and there will be some games that the 6850 will be better at , it all has to do with the drivers from each brand. Nvidia will hve their drivers optimized for certian games and AMD will have their drivers optimized for other games. Sometimes they both have the same game optimized and those are the games that you can look at for a comparison.
The GTX460 is a good overall performer and will give you good performance in most games. The 6850 is also a good performer so then it comes down to price , which one can you get for a lower price at the time your looking to buy.
When you keep going to the higher performance cards at some point the single card will beat the two 260 in sli. What you weant to do is find benchmarks for the games that you want to play and see what they use for video cards. You may have a hard time finding bencmarks for the 260 since it's now a very old card and not made any more.
The thing about going with the newere cards is that they will simply perform better because of the newer technology and if you have the opportunity to get a 7850 or 7870 on up then it would be better to go with one of those then the two 260's. Same with a 560Ti or 570 on up.

I didn't want to reason with TS because I feel that's the incremental stages he want's to go through (and thank you for mentioning such an important argument and fact, inzone). Like I said, waste of time, except if you really fancy burning time and money only to eventually replace it with the "sponsored" newer gen card the TS was talking about.

Good luck TS.
i think the limit of my money is only 260 sli, getting the (560 ti-7850) used still double the price i should pay for the 260sli,

the actual thing is im not planning to upgrade gpu just that i saw a garage sell of someone 260 sli for a cheap price,
thank you everyone for the opinion~
just want to ask some more question, im kinda having a feeling of getting a gpu with good physx capabilities, not like 260 sli, looking at the tomshardware chart the gtx 670 is the same tier as the 7870XT, but the pricing in my country (malaysia) the dif is 670 is higher about 75$usd(rm300)(reference 670 and sapphireXT) or comparing with msi 670 is more than 125+$usd, im really dobtful of paying that much just for physx, even the 660ti is more expensive the 7870XT here, about 50$usd compared to reference 660ti,

the only card at the same price with the 7870XT is 660-650ti, which is meh for me..
i does saw couple of gtx 570/580 around a little cheaper the the XT, but i still feel the card is underpower as it the same tier as gtx295 or 7850.

the price gap between amd and nvidia here is very high, just that im playing planetside 2 a lot a feel like physx will perfect the game a little more..??
When it comes to PhysX you have to find out if the game your interested in has any PhysX acceleration added into the game. Not all games will have it added but there are more games adding it. Eventually it may become a standard part of the games but since AMD cards don't have it there is not as much incentive for game developers to add it. If you have an AMD card then you have to add a second card that's PhysX accelerated in order to have it. If both Nvidia and AMD had PhysX then you would see game developers adding PhysX to all games.
The 570 and 580 cards are still powerful cards and can be used to play most games and are much better then a 650 and 660 so if you can pick up a GTX 580 for a price that you can afford then you should do so. The 580 is on the same level as the 7870 and just one below the 7870xl so it's still a very good card.,3107-7.html
wow, combining card, i didnt know u can do that, after some googling it say it can be perform using 3rd party software, is it totally safe?
and GTX 580 3gb Refence for 200-225$usd, worth it? still way cheaper then 660ti here

The 660ti will have a warranty. What about the 580? If so, For $200-225 it is a reasonable price.

To avoid all the hassle of 3rd party software I would get the 580 , it's still a very powerful card and well worth getting especially for that price.

ok then, thanks again, i think i would off with the 580 than 260 sli, even i need to play double from 260 sli.

envy, i not so sure about warranty, i will ask him again, but i think warranty still around 6-7 month

Just make sure of warranty. If he has had it over a year wilthout issues and you got 6/7 months left on the warranty, then it's safe.

I searched Amazon, and most used 580s sell for close to $280. So, if the one you might buy is a good brand then $225 is good price.