Help choosing headset, urgent


Jun 3, 2012
Hey guys!
How are you?
Ok, so basicly, I need a new headset. I know what you're gonna say, get some real headphones with good soundstage. I already have the HD598 which are amazing, but they're amazing for music and movies. I'm not saticfied from they'r poor gaming expirience. I can't even track a jet, or a shot fired. So I've decided to buy a headset. I have 3 headphones on my mind:
7H and Siberia v2, both USB and around the same price. The good thing about those is that they have a 30% off of them, which makes them $60 for 7H and 50 for the Siberia v2.
The other option, which I've dreamed of for a while now, is the Razer Tiamat, which has REAL 7.1 with 10 drivers, and a control unit for some nit features which I really, REALLY need and really like, which the SS dosn't have. The problem is, it costs around 3 times more than the SS after discount, and I only have a 5.1 sound card, so I need to to buy a new SC for another 60$, which makes it x4 than the SS now. I live in Israel, so I need to include shipping here which is around 50, 60$. The soundcard I will buy here. Right now I have $100, so I need to save up quite a bit. (Im 14, that makes it hard to get some cash. Luckly my dad ows two stores so it's possible, I get $5 per hour.
The thing is, I can get the SS instantly, with discount and without working. Is the Razer Tiamat THAT much better than the SS? Is the 3D imaging really that better than the SS? Plz remember that I have kickass headphones for music listening so I really don't care about those.
If the razer isn't that much better that it's worth saving for and waiting for shipment, than Ill buy the SS. In that case, which headset is better? Don't care about isolation at all, just about the 3d imaging and sound quality for GAMING.
Please help me asap and sorry for the really long post.
Don't bother wasting your money, the tiamats are rubbish for gaming. (I have a pair sitting next to me right now) and the sound/build quality is terrible for the price.

I have used quite a few headset/headphones including top end stuff and these have to be one of the worst headphone sound quality I have ever experienced. I was expecting much more TBH for the money, even though they are made by razer. The corsair vengeance 1500 sound better than these with their fake virtual surround sound, and thats saying something.

Usually I advise people to steer clear of "gaming headsets" with gimmicks such as "surround sound" and buy a good pair of stereo headphones from Denon, Sennheiser, Audio Technica or Beyerdynamic.

But seeing as you are adamant on having a headset how about the sennheiser PC350/PC360? These are fairly good as long as you don't mind having a cold clinical sound. They are great for competitive gaming I.e tracking footsteps etc as they have great clarity, however they have no real "meat" to the sound and they are very high heavy and lack mids and lows (they lack any bass what so ever).

I've read alot of reviews about the Tiamat, all saying theyr amazing for gaming and ok for music.... I really do want the 7.1 serround. How are the 7H and Siberia v2 compared to the Tiamat?
Mate I read the same reviews when I bought my Tiamats (those guys don't know a thing about sound) those reviews are aimed at people who are used to listening to low quality audio, so they focus their reviews on the 7.1 aspect, I was interested in the 7.1 surround too, until they arrived and I tried them out and found out they're rubbish, trust me the Tiamats are shockingly bad.

If you are adamant in having a "gaming headset" then I recommend you looks at the sennheiser PC350/360s.

The Tiamats should be priced around £75 (and that's been generous) not £160, if you want to pay over the odds for a shoddy product then that is up to you.

Compared to even cheap audiophile headphones, gaming headsets are near universal rubbish.
Compared to even cheap audiophile headphones, gaming headsets are near universal rubbish.
quoted for truth.

Tracking sound in video games has been possible if the game had decent sound engine. This has been possible since invention of counter strike (since then majority of FPS use equally good or better sound generation). So as unbelievable as it sounds, you only need a good pair of stereo headphones. The problem is that all this surround sound business is as you say yourself "they're amazing for music and movies [only]"
pretty much any nim dim 40mm diaphram virtual 5.1 head set will give reasonable sound for gaming. the g35 will give good positional audio as do the g930's i use the 930's for bf3 and i can tell when sum1 is up and to the right down and to the back directly in front or behind. in fact its pretty damn amazing the advantage it gives/ i never really give positional audio much credence till bf3 now i notice when its not there or poor...
audiophile headsets will represent this but it wont be as good as a dedicated sound card and gaming headgear like you get from logitech, stenhieser, or any reputable meaning not turtle beach or skull candy manufacturer.. yu may get richer sounds in movies also if you pick the correct size diaphrams. which are 40mm in my opinion

Not true, a good quality pair of stereo headphones with a good sound stage will be better. Surround sound headphones are just a gimmick, aimed at people who don't know any better.
Wait, OP has HD598s? Why not use those? They have the same drivers as the PC 350/360s just no mic.

I'm a big fan of my PC350s, very clear sounds. The bass losens up nicely, but if you really want bass it's a very simple mod. They built the drivers in a sealed enclosure, just gotta put a few holes in there and the bass gets unleashed. I mean, it's not ridiculously loud but it's there.

One issue though is they require a sound card with a good headphone amp, as they have 150ohm impedance. Possibly that's why the HD598s aren't sounding too good. I bought an AuzenTech Bravura 7.1 and it's perfect. The Forte is good too. I know Asus Xonar series has some with decent headphone opamps as well.
I got the HD598 with the Little Dot 3, which for some reason give really poor audio position... Bought the Steelseries Siberia.. Coz I can and it sounds very good, positioning is MUCH better than the 598 xD