Help Choosing the right PSU


Jan 22, 2018
Hi, I just upgraded my GPU to a Sappire nitro+ rx 590, and added 8 gb of ram, and now I'm concerned about my PSU, I had a rx 460 2 gb and just 8 gb of ram, and my current PSU is an EVGA 430 w so I want to know about which would be my best option according to my budget, if it's really necessary to upgrade my PSU, right now the only affordable options to me are:

*-EVGA B1 500W $54
*-EVGA BQ 500W $61
*-Thermaltake Smart DPS G 500W $64
*-EVGA BR 600W $64
*-Cooler Master MasterWatt 550W $69
*-Thermaltake Smart DPS G 600W $72
*-Seasonic M12II EVO EDITION 620W $73
*-Cooler Master MWE Bronze 600W $74

really I'd like to spend the least I can, without compromising my build, I know that the obvious choice would be the most expensive but if I can go for a cheaper option would be perfect due to I want to upgrade my CPU and case as well. I'm from Mexico and due to the exchange rate this small differences become take into consideration differences, and right now I'm in a tight budget.

Full list of my build:

MoBo.: MSI B350 Mortar
GPU: Sapphire Nitro+ RX 590 Special Edition ( Previously ASUS DUAL RX 460 2gb)
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 3200 Mhz 4x4 gb (Previously 2x4 gb)
CPU: Ryzen 3 1200 OCed to 3.8 Ghz
Cooling System: Corsair H100i v2
HDD: Seagate barracuda 3TB

Thanks in Advance


Jan 22, 2018
OK, I'll go for a seasonic and I found the following ones, I will stretch my budget so could you help me choose the best for my build:

Seasonic M12II EVO EDITION 620w $81 (yes, it went higher )
Seasonic FOCUS 550 Gold 550w $85
Seasonic S12II 520w 64$


Jan 22, 2018
jankerson thank you for your quick response just one more thing, I've done a little research from my own, and many sites states a 500w psu would be enough for the rx590, so I just want to be sure i'm picking the best, I supposed having gold certification is better than a bronze one, I,m planning to upgrade to a new ryzen 3000 series within half year, and adding a m.2 ssd, and i'm not planning to overclock the new cpu, so having this in mind, should i still go for the M12II 620W evo psu? Thanks in advance
I’d pick the higher quality Focus 550w. It’s plenty and I’d rather the better quality. The peak power in this review of that card is 262w, your total system is unlikely to draw over 420w even with overclocking.


Well this is what I would buy if it was MY system over any of the other choices and it's an excellent PSU.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Power Supply: EVGA - SuperNOVA G2 650 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($59.99 @ B&H)
Total: $59.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-01-24 00:17 EST-0500