Hey i bought a upgrade kit and now My PC is lagging on the desktop even sound is lagging and ive updated bios and all drivers,could this be a hardware failure? The temps are allright and memtest didnt seem to find anything either,please heeeeeelp!
https://www.webhallen.com/se-sv/datorkomponenter/271757-webhallen_upgrade_kit_i7 That is the upgrade kit and i use a msi gtx 970 and im still using My old harddrives 120g ssd corsair and 1t harddrive
https://www.webhallen.com/se-sv/datorkomponenter/271757-webhallen_upgrade_kit_i7 That is the upgrade kit and i use a msi gtx 970 and im still using My old harddrives 120g ssd corsair and 1t harddrive