So my PSU is the oldest part in my PC, at just over 8 years old. It's a Corsair CS750M. My PC has also been on for above-average amounts of time over its lifetime, making the 8 years seem like a fairly long time.
Yesterday I came back home to see it off and not turning on again. The weird thing is, LED on my RAM and on my keyboard were on, in the default pattern. They only turned off after 10 seconds with the PSU switch set to off.
Here are the things I've tried with the PSU:
Paperclip test with everything unplugged. There are two rapid clicks, first louder then the second. Like a relay turning itself on and off immediately. The fan doesn't even twitch, which according to the manual it should do even on units with quiet fan profiles. Also, the relay clicks like that for about 10 seconds after flipping the switch back to 0, not sure if that's normal.
Multimeter set to V DC, black to several colored 24 pin cables. All have well under 1V whether the paperclip is there or not. No changes in voltage when inserting the paperclip while measuring. This makes some of the LEDs being on a little suspicious.
Opening the PSU. I feel confident enough with electronics to take the top cover off by myself. The fan isn't seized up and nothing looks burnt, though I know that doesn't really mean much.
Should I just order a new PSU at this point? By now it's starting to seem like that must be the culprit, and is probably faulty. I guess I just need to hope the LEDs don't mean it was sending some voltage where/when it shouldn't be.
Yesterday I came back home to see it off and not turning on again. The weird thing is, LED on my RAM and on my keyboard were on, in the default pattern. They only turned off after 10 seconds with the PSU switch set to off.
Here are the things I've tried with the PSU:
Paperclip test with everything unplugged. There are two rapid clicks, first louder then the second. Like a relay turning itself on and off immediately. The fan doesn't even twitch, which according to the manual it should do even on units with quiet fan profiles. Also, the relay clicks like that for about 10 seconds after flipping the switch back to 0, not sure if that's normal.
Multimeter set to V DC, black to several colored 24 pin cables. All have well under 1V whether the paperclip is there or not. No changes in voltage when inserting the paperclip while measuring. This makes some of the LEDs being on a little suspicious.
Opening the PSU. I feel confident enough with electronics to take the top cover off by myself. The fan isn't seized up and nothing looks burnt, though I know that doesn't really mean much.
Should I just order a new PSU at this point? By now it's starting to seem like that must be the culprit, and is probably faulty. I guess I just need to hope the LEDs don't mean it was sending some voltage where/when it shouldn't be.