Help for sound-keyboard project

Jun 15, 2018
Ok, so listen to this:
I always play games with my friends and we do a lot of goofing, some of which consists in reproducing meme sounds through our mics.
Now what i would like to do is having a sort of a keyboard on which i set buttons so when i click them specific sounds play through the mic, and all my friends and i can hear them. I’m not an expert on the field so i don’t know if there are actual products that do that, but if not:
1) i could use another actual keyboard if the computer allows, simply that keyboard instead of functioning as normal plays sounds when letters are clicked.
2) i need a program that transforms the output of the keyboard into the input needed to start reproducing certain sounds
3) i need a program in which i can upload a library of sounds and with said input reproduces sounds through the mic

I don’t know where to start.
Please tech gods, help me. Teach me the ways. Thanks.