Help! Games running choppy on my machine.


Oct 27, 2014
Hi, games and their cinematic's are running choppy on my machine. I've tried adjusting the graphic's for most games but they look horrible at lower resolutions. I have check marked the v-sync and anti-aliasing and messed with the settings, however, I'm under the impression I have a high end computer that should be able to play most games without issues on the highest settings. I'm having issues with WoW, DmC, SWTOR. Below are the spec's of my computer. Can it not handle high end games.

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz
GeForce GTX 980 Ti
MSI Z97-G45
8.00 GB RAM
EVGA 600W power supply
Microsoft Window's 7 Home Premium