Help gaming PC components (foreign)


Jun 23, 2009

Im not either from USA/Ireland or UK, im from Spain but, as there isnt any Spanish forum here and i dont know either French or Italian, I'll just post here. Im not looking so much for an exact build with real prices, but more for advice on some components I got recommended.

If any mod thinks my post does not belong here, please move/delete it.

APPROXIMATE PURCHASE DATE: 1 week to 1 month, when I finally can decide
BUDGET RANGE: 1100ish € for pc tower + 200ish € for monitor

SYSTEM USAGE FROM MOST TO LEAST IMPORTANT: Gaming, programming, internet, videos

PARTS NOT REQUIRED: Keyboard, mouse, speakers and OS.

PREFERRED WEBSITE(S) FOR PARTS: As said avobe, I just need advice on the components itself, but if you wish to compare some prices you can check sites like:


I guess product codes will be the same for every country. Just FYI, "Search == Buscar".


- Dont care about processor brand.
- I would like DDR3, so I can forget about upgrading for 1-2 years.
- 20"-22" gaming monitor.
- I dont care about GPU brands as long as games look OK, but Im more likely inclined to nVidia, mostly for CUDA and PhysX.
- The case should have good air flow, as here is very hot in summer.
- I dont use much disk space (surviving untill now on 60GB).

2nd and 4th are open to debate, and will go whatever gives a good performance/cost ratio.
OVERCLOCKING: Maybe if there is easy and can keep it on air.
SLI OR CROSSFIRE: Maybe later.

MONITOR RESOLUTION: Whatever fits in a 20"-22" gaming monitor, I dont know (lol).

Now, I ve been reading for a few weeks, and yesterday someone gave me the next build:


Everything from (free shiping if the price is over 150€), and for monitor, Samsung T220 at . Im most concerned about the motherboard, cpu-ram compatibility (voltage) and the case is a bit weird as it has the PSU in the lower back zone. Another FYI, "Montaje == Assembly", i think i could do it myself but left it in for now.

I dont want to doubt on anyone that kindly gave me advice, but im a bit cautious and Ill like a second opinion (actually, and a third and fourth and ...) before buying anything.


PS: Sorry for my english, if you cant understand anything just let me now.

it looks good to me!

but if you gor for sli, i think ull need another psu

i dont know about the case size, if the gpu would fit ok..just look for the sizes or ask someone who has it

by the way, im also getting some stuff from spain (tambien hablo español jeje)

do u know how is appinformatica like? and compared with the rest?
It didnt let me edit the post, so Ill post again:

Direct link to each:

Couldnt find HDD

And, @nachota1987, I havent bought from them online, but I have friends that bought some components from a store they have here. From what I know, the components where in perfect condition and still working. Anyway, seems that most people resort to [1], [2] and [5] for their internet shopping.

For the PSU-SLI thing, If that GPU can run some of the games to come (AC 2, D3), I dont think I would be buying a second card for a while.
