Help installing a Raijintek Triton Water Cooler


Aug 8, 2015
I have just purchased new components to build a new PC, which includes the following:-

Raijintek Triton AIO Water Cooling Solution Asus M5A99X PRO

R2.0 AMD 990X (Socket AM3+) DDR3 ATX Motherboard Corsair

Carbide 500R Midi Tower Case

I have never installed a Water Cooler before and although seems straight forward the instructions that came with it are terrible. And there are no videos online with instructions for the same Cooler.

Currently I have unscrewed the two black brackets that sit around the CPU so I now have four holes. At the back there is already a silver back plate that comes with the Motherboard. Im a supposed to install the Triton Back Plate over the current silver one or remove it first? Or even use the Silver one instead?

And am I right in assuming the backplate is the one with the rubber attached to one side , the thicker of the two plates. This is not clear in the instructions. And the rubber end would be facing the motherboard.

Sorry if this sounds obvious but I want to get it right as don't want to ruin my system.

Thanks in advance James
Discard the left amd stock plate completely.
The centre plate goes to the rear of the board (foam to the board) - the right plate is for the front of the board


Aug 8, 2015

That is very helpful. Thankyou. It looks like on that particular Motherboard there is no Back Plate. Im still not sure if I should keep the one that comes with the Motherboard on it or remove it. Ive taken some pictures but don't seem to be able to upload them on here


Aug 8, 2015

Great ive used TinyPic and inserted link above. As you can see from the picture the rectangular bracket on the left is the one that comes with the Motherboard. I would have thought to remove that completely and just use the Watercooler one to the right of it. Bought I watched a video where the guy used the motherboard bracket but he missed showing if he used that instead of in addtion to.

Thanks again


Aug 8, 2015

Thankyou everyone so much. I will now discard the AMD plate and use the pictures to help too. I may have further questions when I get to the next part
How are you getting on mate??

Fairly straightforward once you have fitted the backplate - don't forget the washers between the board front & the metal nuts - I did & even though it worked fine the niggling doubt made me remove the whole lot a couple of days later & redo it!


Aug 8, 2015

Managed to get the back plate and brackets on now. The instructions failed to distinguish between the two different size M4 screws but worked it out by trial and error.

So next job is to install the two Triton fans and radiator. As mentioned I have the Corsair Carbide Series 500R ATX Mid Tower Computer Case, which has a space over to mount either the radiator or fans. Looking at a online video by Corsair their own water cooler radiator fits in the gap. However mine is a little too thick as the top won't go on properly so am I correct in thinking I can put it inside the case at the top, with the fans on top of the case as below :-

So of thats OK, which way would I put the fans?

CONFIG A : This way with the arrow pointing to the left and the writing ontop

CONFIG B: or this way?

And would I screw each one right through the fan down into the radiator from the top downwards holding both the radiator and fan in one go?

Thanks again

Config b mate - they're intakes that way .
Far better cpu cooling that way & your rear exhaust will throw the warm air straight back out the case.

You'll have to experiment with the screws - not used the 500r with a 240mm rad - if the longest m4's reach all the way through the fans & case to the rad You'll be fine that way.

Long as the rads nice & solid doesn't really matter


Aug 8, 2015
Sorry ive taken so long to get back. Ive been researching Intakes vs Outakes and Push vs Pull configurations. It seems there is a lot of contradicting information with some people saying one is better that the other. From what I can gather having cool air being drawn in from the outside into the radiator would keep the CPU cooler but would have the disadvantage of the hot air from the radiator being drawn into the case.

vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv (FAN DIRECTION)
-------------------------------- (CASE TOP)

Although that hot air should escape through the rear exhaust fans

Having the fans underneath the radiator, would push the hot air through the radiator resulting in the CPU not being optimised but you wouldn't be getting the heat inside the case from the radiator

-------------------------------------- (CASE TOP)
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (FAN DIRECTION)

But also seems you have to think about case pressure. My case has two fans blowing in from the front, a large one at the side and an exhaust at the back. So to me makes more sense for the radiator fans at the top to also be exhaust so I have more of an equal amount.

So I was thinking of setting the radiator fans to exhaust but rather than a push method use a pull method to suck it from the top. I would have thought that im not blowing hot air through them. Also read reviews that pushing air through the radiator would result in dust being trapped in there but using the pull method wouldn't. And according to another forum someone with the same case contacted Corsair and it was suggested to them to have it the same i.e pull method to suck air from the top but with the addition of changing the rear from an exhaust to an intake fan

I also found that I can't have the radiator and fan between the case as the screws aren't long enough. So ive decided to mount the fans directly on top of the radiator, which then sits on top of the case. Also someone has said that the filter top hinders air flow and the temperatures inside their case dropped when the removed it. So would be something like this

Pull Method
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (FAN DIRECTION)
-------------------------------- (CASE TOP)

Here is a picture.

So what do people think? And is it ok to have the fans sticking outside of the case like that?
Its OK mate but it spoils the whole look of the case IMO.

Essentially id still stick to the original idea of fans to the outside as intakes with filter on & rad on the inside even if it means buying some of your own m4 screws.
Are you absolute 100% certain thosexscrew won't reach if you put them on the bottom holes of the fans rather than all the way through??


Aug 8, 2015

Hi, I agree it doesn't look very good with the radiator and fans sticking out at the top. Ive decided to replace the 120mm Fans with 140mm ones. That way get better air flow plus can use the other screw holes, which would solve the problem of the screws fitting

Sterling idea mate .



Aug 8, 2015

I was just about to install the radiator to the top of the case underneath when noticed there is water leaking from the radiator! And looking at the reviews where I bought it from two people said started off fine until theirs leaked too. So im just going to send it back and get a normal heat sink/cooler.

I bought the AMD Piledriver FX-8 Eight Core 8350 Black Edition 4.00GHz (Socket AM3+) Processor. Do you know if the stock Heatsink /Cooler would suffice? Or should I get a better one. And if so do you know of a good one?

Thanks again

^ that's a bit of a dog mate:-/

I'm honestly not a fan of aio water coolers - there's always a risk of leaks on any of them.

I fitted the triton for someone else but in all honesty was impressed with it.
There are always going to be a few bad onea
s though .

Dont let it put you off raijintek as a brand though as their air coolers are truly excellent.

The stock cooler will get you by but id consider it a temporary measure really - you want something better for long term use.

You're pretty much unrestricted by the case regarding air coolers - itll fit anything out there.
As long as you're only using 2 ram slots you're pretty much unrestricted by ram height too ,even tall heatsinked ones like the vengeance.

What shop did you buy the triton from ??
Its generally quicker to RMA for a replacement than a full refund IMO .
I'll have a look for you what's available.


Aug 8, 2015

Thanks, yeah I was looking at the Raijintek Tisis that looks good. Ive been researching them all day and one of my concerns was the sheer size of some of them. But you are saying with my case anyone will fit? Ive got 2x8GB Kingston Hyper X Savage RAM to be installed so hopefully should be ok with that.

Ive been looking at two comparison sites for AMD ones :-


I bought mine from so a replacement sounds better although they don't have all the ones listed there

Thanks again
Yeah mate I use overclockers myself - you'll have no problem with RMA from them.

Cooker wise the tisis does look a beast but in all honesty its overkill.

Bang for Buck the themis evo is the one IMO mate - truly superb cooler.It'll handle pretty much anything you throw at it.
Its big & it overhangs the ram slots a fair bit BUT hyper x savage definitely 100% fits OK with it.





Aug 8, 2015

So my Air Cooler has arrived and ive just started installing everything. I also purchased two 140mm Fans for the top of the case. Looking at the fans I have four fans with headers that need to be installed but the front two that came with the case has a molex connected so am I right in thinking this can just be connected to the PSU?

My motherboard has the following :-


and another three CHA_FANS

The Air Cooler Fan has a four pin connected so im I correct in assuming this connects to the CPU_FAN?

So can I connect one of the Fans to the CPU_OPT as I only have three chassis fan headers?

Also my four fans are three pin but the headers have four connections :-


4. GND

So which number pins would I connect the fans to?

And what is the actual difference between what the CPU header and CHASSIS header does?

Thanks again
A 4 pin fan will only fit a 3 pin header in one orientation due to the teeth on the plug so you cant plug them in wrong mate.

CPU fan always to CPU 4 pin header.

4 pins can regulate speeds by pwm or voltage.
3 pins can regulate/control speeds by voltage only.

You're fine plugging into molex - it will run at full speed.

Front intakes at full speed are normal IMO plug via molex.
Exhausts I would plug into available 3 pin headers.
There will be a bios option to enable fan voltage control if you want to control them

What's your full stock of case fans at the moments & their connectors?



Aug 8, 2015
That's great. Ive got the Corsair Carbide 500R Midi Tower Case and its got two 120m front fans, a 120m rear exhaust fan and a large 200mm intake fan at the side. And ive just bought two 140mm Corsair SP140, two be put at the top of the case as exhaust fans. As noise isn't an issue I want them all at full speed anyway.

So which of the fans should I connect to the CPU OPT header as I only have three CHA FAN but got four to install by headers. Or does it not matter?

Thanks again
If you're happy full speed mate doesn't matter at all.

I'll be honest - If your case supports 140mmfans at the front I would use the 140's there as intakes & all the 120s as exhausts.

Bit better balanced this way IMO.
Sp 140's are brilliant as intake fans.

What cooler did you buy in the end??
Looks a good cooler mate.

Looked again - don't think the 500r fits 140mm front fans ??

If not id leave fronts as they are - drop a 140mm as intake in the bottom case mount.
Other 140mm rear top exhaust.

So you have 3 intakes/2 exhausts - positive pressure system them.

I wouldn't use the top front mount at all - with tower coolers it can pull air away from the CPU fan & actually reduce cooling performance.