Help me decide on graphics card

tadej petric

Feb 9, 2013
Im going to buy new computer soon and I stopped at graphics card the most. I want to be sure so I made thread for it.

I want to play games for as long as it is possible at any settings (low, 720p min (but have screen for 1080p), AA off, AF 1x...) for, lets say, 8 years with minimum frame rate of 30. I want to play games like: red dead redemption, far cry 3, gta 4, crysis 3, skyrim, dirt 3, battlefield 3, napoleon total war, modern warfare 3, civilization V... Im very excited about GTA V so can you tell me which company supports RAGE more. If anybudy can find list of games that run better on Nvidia than on AMD (or otherwise).
My system is going to be:

CPU-Intel Core i5 3350P - 185,88€
hdd-WD Red 1 TB - 67,13€
ram-Crucial BallistiX Tactical 2x 4 gb - 62,05€
CD drive-Asus DRW-24B5ST - 20,54€
mobo- Asus P8B75-V - 79,54€
PSU+case-Corsair CX600+Spire CoolBox 503 - 76,33+24,00
os-Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 64-bit - 105,33€

And GPUs Im choosing between:

1.)Sapphire Radeon HD 7870 2GB
Pitcairn XT core
1000MHz core clock speed
4800MHz memory clock speed
2Gb Vram
256mbit bus width
229,69 €

2.)Sapphire Radeon HD 7870 GHz Edition 2 GB
1000 MHz core clock speed
4800 MHz memory clock speed
2Gb Vram
256 bus w
232,12 €

3.)Gigabyte GeForce GTX 660, 2 GB
1033 MHz core clock speed
6008 MHz memory clock speed
2Gb Vram
192 bus w
214,56 €

So which one? And I know that sites are in Slovenian but in case you want to check other non listed things. And can you guys list some results of games listed above please.
That, and Red Dead Redemption isnt even a PC game.

If you buy every top grade component on the market today, you would need to upgrade at least one component within the next 3 years. No PC if indefinitely future proof, paying more only buys you more time (8 years not being even close)
You do realize that 8 years ago, the GeForce 7800 GTX came out...
Although a good card, i do not believe it can play any of the games you listed.
So its reasonable to assume, that any card you pick now, will not work in 8 years.
Most people who talk about 'future proofing' are looking for a system to work for about 5 years at the max.

I personally like the GTX 660 out of your options.

If you want your machine to last 8 years, you need to do incremental updates.
New graphics card after a couple of years (8 years ago directX 9.c was best out there).
If you really want to stretch your system, you may want to think about AMD...
they seem more dedicated to maintaining comparability with CPU sockets over generations than Intel does, allowing you to upgrade your processor w/o having to get a new motherboard each time as well.

Rofl, dude are you like so proud of your ability to waste money on graphics cards you need to post it in every thread? this is like the third time if have read your posts where you are bragging about your silly graphics card. No one cares. people come here for help about there builds not to hear about how much better yours is. Thank you. please keep that in mind.
Never say never, the HD2600XT I have still outputs 720p low/medium @ 30-60fps and its like 7 years old 😛 Ofc not in the latest baddest games but still doable. An HD3850 from the same gen would be similar in perf to the IGPU in the A8 5600k but would still lack DX11 support.

Advances in DX and other features will render your card unable to play the latest games even if your card has the power to play the games though. Some games will offer alternate code paths for different DX levels but not all.

Out of the above cards, I would choose the first card

Yeah (not even lowest settings?) what about 6 years (actually wanted to write that in first place but missclicked)?

Yeah about DRD maybe future emulating (abandonware).
Abandonware? Lol, look at Halo for PC -- came out years after release on consoles and the interest was novelty at best. I loved that game, I was pissed when RS said it wasnt going to be ported, but I cant say Id wait YEARS to maybe play it. Nor would I build a machine based on the hope that a game MAY come to the platform

I lived 10 years with penty4 and ati rage...
I have lot of games to play (from games like gta sa (but not 3 and vc) to gta 4 or cod1 to mw3, bf 1942 to 3...) left and I have things to do so I wont be bored for couple of years.
But I could live without rdr.
[strike]But what he's asking for is not a snapshot in time. Yes, a current gen system will run today's games indefinitely (or atleast until these developer's shut down their crappy DRM servers)

His OP implies that he wants to be able to play next gen too, which may/ may not be out of the question.

If all you want to do is play GTA4 for the next 8 years, you'd be fine. Just dont expect Battlefield 15: Mars Combat to play nicely [/strike]

Sorry, didnt realize you were the OP. Well, as long as you dont have any failure of parts, 8 years will definitely get you by with today's games

The hard part with the term "future" is it doesnt tell us specifics beforehand. The general consensus agrees -- 2 years, absolutely. 3 years, likely. 4+years, who knows

Yes its for the next gen.
I think I might get bored of playing gta4 4 4 years (had to put 4s)
Im also not expecting to play CoD: Black (c) o p/c (k) s 69.

Hi :)

I see you are an expert.....oops no, you have NO best answers whilst I have well over 500... and your number of posts is a WHOLE 4...compared to my 14, :)

All the best Brett :)

Lol both of you chill

@OP, you'll be able to handle next gen games @ 720p low/medium 30fps+ IF the game has the codepath for the older DX gen or OpenGL whatever

Calm down both of you :) Its just a web site. And that 14000 will be 15000 very very soon.

Lol both of you chill

@OP, you'll be able to handle next gen games @ 720p low/medium 30fps+ IF the game has the codepath for the older DX gen or OpenGL whatever
dx 11 looks real as hell, imagine dx 12.

Yes thats true but even dx11 is nice. Even dx10 is nice. Even some dx9s are nice.

Thing is if the next gen games no longer support dx11 paths and require dx12, no matter how good dx11 looks, you won't be able to play it no matter how strong your card is

I think well stay with 11 for long time (not 6 years tought). But if you update drivers and OS does it support dx12 (I doubt that but just to be sure)?

This doesn't make what i said any less true. It seems you spent a lot on a graphics card. And now you need to tell everyone about it. Must be sad to have such a constant need for approval you have to rub your computer specs in other members faces when they ask for a bit of help. Grow up. ( i know arguing with some loser over the internet is not necessarily a grown up thing to do either. and to that i say...i don't care.)

Hi :)

I have to grow up...lolllllll.......thanks for the compliment.....i have children older than you :)

In case you didn't notice, the price of my card , was a DEMONSTRATION to the OP that NO card can do what he wishes in regard to 8 years...

And I do not need to brag :)

If I did I would mention the several Computer companies I own and my Porsche of course and my grand kids....

Hows your life going by the way ? :)

All the best Brett :)