Help me find a clan?


Aug 14, 2014
Hi everyone! I was wondering if you could help me out. I'm getting a little bored of playing PC games as a lone wolf, and none of my gaming friends care bout PC (they're Xbox fans). So I was wondering if any of you know a good clan just to have a group of people to play some games with, sometimes competitive, sometimes casual. I play a wide range of games: cs:go, tera, civ4, total war, crusader kings 2, planetside 2, Warthunder and a few more. I reside east coast Canada and use the handle Stratagy if that helps any. Not sure if this will stir up any buzz, I also posted on Reddit to see if anyone know a good clan there. Thanks for the help, it's really great to be able to reach out and meet people who share your interests. :)

forgot to mention I have teamspeak and comms if needed
I'm not too sure about steam, not all the games I have are on it. But if no suggestions appear after a little while then I might go and check it out. Thanks though. I'll just wait for now and see if anyone's looking for more people.