help me motherboard not seeing HDD


May 24, 2006
i have quite an urgent problem conserning my second build which is similar to the one in my signiture but it has a 7600 and it is running vista hp.

so the problem is with my hardrive (and dvd drive which is also Sata) not being recognised by my foxxconn p965 motherboard on reboot. it will be fine for a while but when i put the PC to sleep for a while and then return to window it doesnmt want to do it and require rebooting, and when in boot squence it tell the sata drives are not being found as if they werent plugged in. this is not every time but maybe once ever 1 weeks.

to reserect the PC i turn the power off and remove then plugback in the sata cables, this generaly sorts it but it is not right.

could the problem be down to the sleep function or is it rooted in the motherbaord as i expect.

i have tride moving it into a different sata port but no success.

can some PLEASE tell me what is wrog and how i fix it. many thnaks
For starters,

I would turn off sleep mode. Wait a week to see if you get a repeat. If not additional issue I would start doing some forum / googling into sleep mode problems and I would update the firmware of your MB.