Help Me pls

Death machine

Mar 7, 2014
Hi guys i build a new pc bur i don't know it's completible i need your help

my system here is it completible ??????

AMD FX X6 6300 Soket AM3+ 3.5GHz 14MB Cache 95W 32nm

4GB Vengeance DDR3 1600MHz CL9

Power Color HD6790 GDDR5 1GB 256Bit AMD Radeon DX11

MSI 970A-G43 AMD 970+SB950 AM3+ DDR3 2133MHz(O.C.) SATA 3.0 USB 3.0

3.5" 1TB Caviar Blue SATA 3.0 7200Rpm 64MB Cache

and any 400-500 watt case

Pls set my system i have not a lot of money
Your cpu and mobo seem to be fine but the mobo only seems to have first generation PCI slots (PCI x16 instead of PCI 2.0 (or 3.0 but AM3+ CPU's don't work with 3rd generation PCI slots)
You also seem to be paying a lot of money for your motherboard compared to your specs

Also vengeance RAM is good but more than enough in your build, I'd recommend going with a cheaper (Crucial or something) RAM and maybe get 8GB, I highly recommend 8, 4 does the job, but, yea I wouldn't call it enough, I'm personally buying 8 when I build my system.

If you would tell me your budget I could probably make a solid build (giving u a list of components), also you haven't told us what you'll be doing with it, I assume gaming,

And don't just go with 'any'...
Your cpu and mobo seem to be fine but the mobo only seems to have first generation PCI slots (PCI x16 instead of PCI 2.0 (or 3.0 but AM3+ CPU's don't work with 3rd generation PCI slots)
You also seem to be paying a lot of money for your motherboard compared to your specs

Also vengeance RAM is good but more than enough in your build, I'd recommend going with a cheaper (Crucial or something) RAM and maybe get 8GB, I highly recommend 8, 4 does the job, but, yea I wouldn't call it enough, I'm personally buying 8 when I build my system.

If you would tell me your budget I could probably make a solid build (giving u a list of components), also you haven't told us what you'll be doing with it, I assume gaming,

And don't just go with 'any' 400-500 watt psu, you should not, I repeat not cheap out on your power supply, buying an unstable psu could even result in burning down your pc, or even house (probably not the case but you should buy a certified psu) Buy one which is 80+ (bronze) (preferably bronze or higher) PSU since that'll also save you money in the long run.

Cheap PSU's use too much power or don't give the power well which could result in performance issues, heating issues, etc etc
I prefer Corsair's PSU's since you know they're good, no research needed. 😛

So I recommend you giving your budget, maybe what you wanna' pay and what the max is you'd pay, these parts are compatible but they don't fit well with each other, you'll get a lot bottlenecks, if you build this PC, also it's not good when it comes to price/perfomance.

May I ask how you got these specs?