Help me to choose a monitor. Do you know if this monitor flickers?

Jul 29, 2018
Hey there! Can you help me to choose between LG 22MT49DF, ASUS VZ229HE and second hand LG M2252D (will be used to watch TV via an extra receiver via hdmi and quite intensive for browsing and reading on the Internet). I want that monitor to keep my eyes at maximum health level, so which monitor has better flicker free technology and low blue light emission ? And the most important question for me: do this monitor LG M2252D has flickers or PWM and also can I use iris software ( to reduce blue light emission like LG 22MT49DF and ASUS VZ229HE. The LG M2252D is the cheapest and most suitable solution for me, but if it is harmful to sight I would not have preferred it. Thanks in advance :)
I suspect the LG M2252D is old so may not be flicker free. I use a flicker-free Dell s2240L. It's superb but has a reflective screen.

These are flicker free with superb color quality (both matte):

All these Dells have superb contrast ratio. So blacks and dark scenes look stunning.

I have the blue channel at 36%, red 52% and green 49% to create a low-blue-light mode with the brightness at 20-35%. The blue colors still look good enough. The sharpness is set at 100%.