
Dec 26, 2012
I just got a new CPU, the Intel Dual Core 2 Duo. Straight out of the box, I didn't make any modifications to ANYTHING, but I plan to play games, mainly Trainz 12. I plan to upgrade the video card to either the AMD HD 4670 or 5670. Is the mentioned CPU motherboard compatible with either of the two video cards? Will the game run smoothly on maximum settings??? Will the game actually run OK? sorry, I don't know anything about the moterboard. Thanks!!!


Oct 10, 2012
HOW mosh ram and GHz is it that might help a little and what OS is it to see what year the M-B is and what games are you thinking on playing some games need 4 or 3 cores to play on maximum settings >Intel Dual Core 2 Duo< the video card is good

maximum settings
COD back ops nope it will not even run on low if you play it and it works for 3 weeks or more i would think 123abc crazy not!!! ok

maximum settings
games like sim city will play. all the low end games like RCT3 RRT3 wall-e and others like thoes will play


Oct 10, 2012

HOW mosh ram and GHz is it that might help a little and what OS is it to see what year the M-B is and what games are you thinking on playing some games need 4 or 3 cores to play on maximum settings >Intel Dual Core 2 Duo< the video cards are good but they will brakedown in 3 years or less

maximum settings
COD back ops nope it will not even run on low if you play it and it works for 3 weeks or more i would think 123abc crazy not!!! ok

maximum settings
games like sim city will play. all the low end games like RCT3 RRT3 wall-e and others like thoes will play

dual core as in old 775? you wasted your money mate. you should have gotten a quad. they cost a just a little more if you look in the rite places. ebay had a q6600 and q8300 for under £70 which are much better value than a dual core at 50.
as for playing games it will lie mostly on your gfx and screen size. the the 4670 isnt a particularly good card nor is the 5670 but both will ballance out your dualcore so you will manage call of duty 4 say. @60+fps medium high settings @1600/900
dual cores are still ok for most games as most only use 2 threads. but other games like bf3 will use every thread they can but realistically it will use 4 fully.
so as long as you keep the limits in mind you should have few issues.


Oct 10, 2012

that is right i hope my thread is ok if it is not i will take it off