So it happened yesterday , when I was playing MEA on my And 7870 that the screen went blank for a second and then with a greenish background with white lines it showed , I tried restarting the PC and then it started fine but then again it shows . Now I can't even get into the PC , so I decided to clean up . Everything cleaned up and then same , cleaned the heatsink of GPU same again and then I changed the thermal compound same again , reseated the ram , the cable and graphics card nothing changed . But it showed a error the display driver has stopped working and restarting always . So I wonder is my GPU dying or is it a software conflict BTW I uninstalled Amd software completely and reinstalled it still same results after switching on and coming to desktop page for sometime. Also one of the fans didn't spin I pushed it it worked and still then if the fan spin from the beginning it still shows error. Pls help