Question Help Needed: Pre-Built Gaming PC for My Cousin in the UK (Budget: £1500)

Jul 31, 2024
Hi everyone,

I'm seeking advice to help my aunt find a good pre-built gaming PC for her daughter. Here are the details:

  • Usage: She plays a range of games from low-demand to high-demand ones, so it needs to handle a variety of games smoothly.
  • Location: She lives in the UK, so we need recommendations from UK shops.
  • Type: Undecided between a laptop and a desktop with a monitor. She does have a separate laptop for school, so she doesn't necessarily need another laptop.
  • Console: She already owns a PS5.
  • Budget: The max budget is around £1500.
  • Requirement: It has to be pre-built as I'm helping her remotely from outside the UK.
Any suggestions for a reliable pre-built gaming PC within this budget would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance! isn't too bad. A little light on system memory though, but that is a minor fix. Also an A620 chipset. 1TB SSD.

But you do get a 4070 Super out of it.

This one has conflicting information, says 32GB memory, but shows 16GB in the specs list.

A little lighter RTX4070 and a weaker CPU, but B650 chipset and a 2TB drive.

You may also be able to find a local building service, so don't ignore a custom solution if you can do better components wise. Just reserve like 200 for assembly.
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Thank you for the recommendations, I like this one:

really like it has 4070

I was also looking at this one with 7600x, but Im not sure if I should go with amd or nvidia (me personally, I always had just nvidia)

also do you have recommendations for nice monitor too?
something like this?

it would be a bit above the budget but hopefully okey.. I will have to ask
7700 XT -> 4070 -> 7800 XT -> 4070 Super

At least in rasterization, when you start talking ray tracing, then the Nvidia cards take the lead.

Not a bad system choice though, a little lighter, but it seems to have generally better components.

Perfect monitor choice. Basically my go to recommendation right now for a decent 'entry level' gaming monitor.
One more question.. it is not prebuild but I have sent the link to her and she is asking if I can also recommend some laptop in this range for games and she will decide.. she is not sure if she wants desktop or laptop.

Do you have any recommendations for laptop in this pricerange?