Help! New Pc does not boot to bios.

Matt Davies

Mar 4, 2015
Hi, I recently built a new gaming rig. This is my first build. It consists of a i54960k, msi gaming 5, evga 970ftw,8 GB RAM , 60gb ssd, 1tb HDD, cx600w PSU.
I initially built it out of the case (on the mobo box) with the GPU, ram, CPU and MOBO using the stock cooler. It booted to BIOS perfectly.

I have now built in im my CM stryker and have put a h100i CPU cooler on it. It boots up fine with all fans spinning. But a debug code of 00 Is shown on my mobo and my monitor says that there is no signal then proceeds to sleep.

I have constantly used a static wrist band, and have also taken the mobo back out the case and just tested it on its own as I did when it first booted to BIOS. I have tried to clear the CMOS and reset it to no avail.

Please help me, do I have DOE components? What steps should I take? Should I trouble shoot further? Any help will be appreciated.

P.S I conn the computer to the monitor by VGA and a DVI adapter.

Edit: I have tried re seating everything I can.

Without swapping parts, we can only guess. I suggest returning them both. Check the CPU socket if any bent pin after removing the CPU.
CX unit already failed... :/

Just kidding, but seriously, a better quality psu for high end components such as i5, and 970 is highly recommended. (XFX, Antec, Seasonic)

Follow alexius suggestions
If that dont work try to take the cpu out of socket, and re-seat it gently and aligned up, making sure the thermal paste is properly spread, and mounting the cooler.

Hi, thanks for the responses. I have taken the H100i out and have put the stock cooler on. The fans on the stock cooler span up. The 8 pin is also connected. I adjusted the CPU and reseated it a little. Thermal paste is okay and no pins on the MOBO are bent. :/