Help on choosing case and PSU

CyanideCool aid

Jun 8, 2009
So heres what I'm planning to buy so far:

And bear in mind, I will be OCing and this is my first build

CPU: Phenom X3 720 BE

Gigabyte Ga-Ma790x-UD4P

RAM: 2x 2gb corsair sticks, DDR2-1066 240 pin.

Graphics card: HIS Iceq4 Radeon HD4850 1GB ( I MIGHT consider doing crossfire later)

Hardrive: Western Digital WD6400AAKS 640GB

DVD Drive:: LG GSA-H55L

So whats the PSU I will need? And recommended cases?

Andd, for price, I've got round 300-400 NZD dollars to spend but I'd rather spend the smallest I can.

And I'm using this site to find parts,

But you can just give me the name of the product or newegg, I dont mind.
Just another quick question, What RAM would you guys recommend? I actually just noticed I forgot to write down which exact Corsair RAM I'm buying >_>. Oh well, recommendations? Annddd is it worth buying a new fan for the CPU or graphics card or whatever? I'm planning to OC at least the CPU..
Cases are so individual , but my favourite is the antec P182 Its quiet and has good cooling .

It looks like a computer case and not a teenagers wet dream of what a computer should look like but the best price here is $270

Other gaming case alternatives to gkays coolermaster would be

antec 300 for $120 or antec 900/902 for just over $200

The antec 650 PSU looks to be the pick of the bunch for psu's.

If you are not in a hurry hang back for a month or so . The kiwi dollar has risen a lot in recent weeks and imported pc components should drop in price when suppliers restock .