Help- Overbudget Gaming PC

the Hyper 212 EVO is a huge favourite for many because of it's price & capability for handling modest OC. i wouldn't spend more on an all-in-one closed loop liquid cooler as the good ones tend to be pricey & the cheaper ones just aren't worth it.

personally, it's a mid-range build and far from overkill. if you got doubts about spending so much, as i've mentioned earlier, there's always an AMD FX build for your consideration, unless i'm badly informed and prices for an FX-6300/8320 are above 200+ in Australia. single threaded performance in games aren't as good but they are still playable hitting 60+fps with maybe a few compromises in some of the more demanding titles like Crysis3.
about the only thing i'd take out is the SSD. they're nice additions if you had the budget for it, but otherwise, load times is something you'll be able to ignore over time. while inconvenient, you could get one later when you have the cash

in case you're not overclocking the cpu, you could get a cheaper non-K i5 + H77 board. alternatively, there's going for an AMD FX-6300 build.

other money saving options; getting a cheaper case like Corsair's 200R and/or dumping the ODD if you got something like a laptop with a disc drive to extract the ISO off your copy of Windows 7 & install via a USB thumb drive.

Ok ty, i will take out the ssd, do you think the cpu will rewuire aftermarket/liquid cooling if overclocking?

aftermarket cooler is a must when OCing. you could use stock, but unless you got real lucky and got a miracle chip that you could OC decently without needing to touch the voltage and not see a spike in temps, you're just shortening your CPU's lifespan.

Would this be a viable option for cooling, or would i need to go liquid?
Ok Thanks, I was looking at some forums, and I was thinking, is this build a bit overkill?
All I want to do on it is play games (Minecraft, battlefield 3-4, COD Black ops +) and to do school work and watch videos
the Hyper 212 EVO is a huge favourite for many because of it's price & capability for handling modest OC. i wouldn't spend more on an all-in-one closed loop liquid cooler as the good ones tend to be pricey & the cheaper ones just aren't worth it.

personally, it's a mid-range build and far from overkill. if you got doubts about spending so much, as i've mentioned earlier, there's always an AMD FX build for your consideration, unless i'm badly informed and prices for an FX-6300/8320 are above 200+ in Australia. single threaded performance in games aren't as good but they are still playable hitting 60+fps with maybe a few compromises in some of the more demanding titles like Crysis3.