Question Help/Recommendation on upgrading PC


Nov 17, 2018
Greetings, I want to ask if it's possible to get a decent upgrade on my PC gaming performance, whether I should upgrade it partially or fully, the parts, what I need to change, please...
I'm considering to change my GPU to RX 6600 and CPU to Ryzen 5 3600, but there are some voices that said it's even fine to use Ryzen 5 5600 on my B350m board even if I must use beta Bios. I'm not adept in PC building so I'm a bit afraid to take the risk... Moreover RX 6600 isn't on my mobo supported list, even though I saw many people build many kinds of rig with the same B350m board in use*benchmark site. But I'm not sure if they put special care for it or not (I only ever build PC for myself once 5 years ago). My budget is only around 300-350$💀

And my PSU is at least 5 y.o. now...

Thank you in advance.

the specifications of my PC :
-MSI B350m Gaming Pro Mobo
-Ryzen 3 2200G
-GTX 1060 3GB
-RAM Corsair Vengeance 8GB
-SSD Sata
-Seasonic G550W
Not really a supported GPU list, you just need a PCIe slot and you can put anything in there.

The BETA BIOS says it supports all the latest CPUs. Worst case if it doesn't work you might lose support for the 2200G in the process. So new motherboard.

PCPartPicker Part List

CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5500 3.6 GHz 6-Core Processor ($98.98 @ Newegg)
Video Card: MSI ARMOR Radeon RX 6600 8 GB Video Card ($259.99 @ Best Buy)
Total: $358.97
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2023-01-11 11:13 EST-0500

You might also want to invest in 2x8GB DDR4 3200 or something.
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Reactions: farhanf44
Wow so fast, first thanks for answering. Well it'd be so sucks if that (my mobo lost support for old ones) happens, if that happens My only option for mobo might be Galax B550M or something like that (but I'm a lil bit afraid because I can't find good review of that board)... And hey can I really put DDR4 3200 on my current mobo? The support says it only support 2666...
Supports DDR4 1866/ 2133/ 2400/ 2667(OC)/ 2933(OC)/ 3200(OC)+ MHz*

Should be able to handle it, the memory controller is in the CPU, and the Ryzen 5500 certainly could do 3200.
Wow, thanks for the info, what if I put these components one by one periodically and not instantly? Will it work just fine? Like my old 2666 RAM and new R5 5500,