help regading picking what to do with that Cash.

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Jul 12, 2016
i will obtain soon enough an amount Ranging from 544.55$ to 680.69

with that Cash i will be able to do the following

1) buy an Extra 970 gigabyte to Create an SLI connection with my almost 9 month old GPU(same type, the windforce).

2) get an extra Cash here and there and buy the HTC Vive since i am mostly a Steam user(bless Gaben).

after watching this video

i am suddenly hooked on the Idea that my next ever build would be an AMD.

3) sell my current GPU for 50-70% the current price, and go for the 480 Radeon CROSSFIRE(yea BABY).(plus the Radeon is almost or less the price of the 970 with better performance)

considering the Vulcan software from AMD, i think i would go for that Direction

4)????? save it up for something else 😉

[strike]i want to do SLI[/strike],now i realize that the 970 windforce are hard to find locally, so i might buy it from Amazon(and that would leave me from 166.08 to 299.49). however considering the low Quality of 970 compared to both the 1060& AMD 480 beats it in performance and price, i might take out around 54$ by hurdling real tight.(btw, all prices are increased due to importing). (for an example, if i want to buy the 1080 i would have to pay $749.99 + $36.12 Shipping & Import Fees Deposit, however if Amazon doesn't Deliver, i would have to pay extra due to a third part Vendor).

i want to do Crossfire, which is something more possible as future games made on vulcan software would be made and tested using AMD hardware.(plus, the 480 proves to be better than 970 and cheaper)

I want the VR headset.

i got 1 bullet, and 3 targets.

which one to shoot

Buy the VR if your graphics card can support it.

Buying another graphics card is nice and all, but (imo) it doesn't enhance the experience. Or am I the only one who doesn't pee my pants in excitement moving from say 30 fps to 75+ fps. (except in VR, cause then that is the difference between fun and vomiting on the carpet.)

On the other hand.. if you are asking us to work as your financial planners, then I would ask..
- Do you have any outstanding debts that can be addressed by this windfall?

In conclusion...
- Take care of any high interest rate debt you have,
- If clear on debt, get the HTC VIVE.
- Then next upgrade will be for system upgrades based on the current system VR performance.
- And then we discuss your financial retirement portfolio. Are you diversified?

no financial problems

it's just that i might've missed an option that i could utilize.

however, i am leaning toward Crossfire idea, and having a 190$ in my pocket.
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