I've combed posts trying to figure this out and decided to wave the white flag and ask for some help. We've used wifi in the home we've moved into for over a year. But now that I have a new computer built, I'd like to connect it directly to my office ethernet port as the wifi signal in there is weak.
There are two splitters (if that's the right term) in my upstairs laundry room...I'm assuming one set is for satellite TV/phone lines, which we don't use. https://photos.app.goo.gl/DA1zwRjS2Z97Y1eg6
Right now my cable modem and wifi router are downstairs in the living room. What I'm hoping is that I can move all of that into the laundry room somehow? I can't tell where I should start with the modem. I'm assuming I don't need to mess with any of the stuff connected to the black panel, that's all security stuff I think?
Can't thank you enough for your help.
There are two splitters (if that's the right term) in my upstairs laundry room...I'm assuming one set is for satellite TV/phone lines, which we don't use. https://photos.app.goo.gl/DA1zwRjS2Z97Y1eg6
Right now my cable modem and wifi router are downstairs in the living room. What I'm hoping is that I can move all of that into the laundry room somehow? I can't tell where I should start with the modem. I'm assuming I don't need to mess with any of the stuff connected to the black panel, that's all security stuff I think?
Can't thank you enough for your help.