Help setting up Raid 0


Feb 8, 2016
I currently have a 500gb ssd with my os on it and I want to get a second and run them in raid0.
Is it possible to set it up directly from the ssd or will i have to clone my os to another drive, format the ssd's then set them up in raid and put the os back on?
You will have to do the second option.

just 1) if you are doing it for Speed then don't bother doing it as you won't see as much of an increase as you think
2) If you are doing it to just make more space make sure you either 1) have NOTHING on there that is important or 2) KEEP a CONSTANT BACKUP! as if one drive files ALL data is gone (Unless you have some damn good recovery software and the drive itself is still physically working ans is able to be seen by another PC)

You will have to do the second option.

just 1) if you are doing it for Speed then don't bother doing it as you won't see as much of an increase as you think
2) If you are doing it to just make more space make sure you either 1) have NOTHING on there that is important or 2) KEEP a CONSTANT BACKUP! as if one drive files ALL data is gone (Unless you have some damn good recovery software and the drive itself is still physically working ans is able to be seen by another PC)
